Provider's please help me understand better

sms918's Avatar
Well I'm short, fat, boring personality, small sick, talk too much, like gfe too much.

I shower before appointments, use mouthwash in my car right before appointments, when possible at provider's Incall I ask to shower right before bed starts.

NEVER have I been told she couldn't continue session because I smell.

Being fat and small dick I can see. Several provider's choose not to see me(I put weight and heights in my profile if provider's looks). Everyone has their comfort level. Some provider's I choose not to see for various season's.

If I was told, you're too fat, your sick is too small, or you can't get an erection. We have to stop. Not something anyone wants to hear. But that's life.

I tried several ways to get in the mood.

Provider's I've seen, please tell me if I smell so I can correct this.

I'd rather been told. YOUR FAT, SMALL DICK, CAN'T get erection, I DON'T want to kiss you or continue session.
Why all of the self-loathing? =( you like your self that way? Gave up hope? Don't even want to try?
If you like yourself that way then why worry ladies get paid to deal with it.
If you want to change you could watch Fat Sick and nearly dead and change your life style or get a lap band etc etc...
The only thing in life that you have control of is pick up that fork and everything on it...As your belly goes down your dick will go up...START TODAY and this time next year you'll be singing a new tune...
If your not going to make any moves to changes then....... not sure wgat else to say doll..hope it all works out for you
sms918's Avatar
Thank you for your comments. Obviously I wasn't clear. My weight was not what thread is about. If I'd had been told that, I would have understood. Also being fat doesn't mean I can't have an erection, just if I'm not in the mood.(I prefer more than a minute of light kissing and than straight to "I guess you want a blowjob"

Smelling-- I was told for the first time by a provider that I smelled too bad after a shower at her Incall to continue a session.

Not all fat people smell. I may sweat a lot, but I also shower, use deodorant, mouthwash frequently.

My question was. I've seen a lot of provider's, never had this been a issue before.

As for the self-image. Yes, something I work on. Actually hobby helps, beautiful women not caring if I'm fat, boring, small dick does wonders for self-confidence.

It's a crime and wrong to be prejudiced against minorities, people with disabilities, alcohol is a disease, smoking and drugs are a disease. BUT FAT PEOPLE ARE JUST LAZY AND EAT TOO MUCH. Society is ok with harassing and encourages it of fat people.

Me personally. I have genetic thyroid disease that causes slow metabolism, abnormal weight gain, sterility,etc.. I have doctor's, nutritionist, physical trainer, drugs, but haven't worked yet. Surgery has been talked about, but can't fix DNA yet. you like your self that way? Gave up hope? Don't even want to try?
If you like yourself that way then why worry ladies get paid to deal with it.
If you want to change you could watch Fat Sick and nearly dead and change your life style or get a lap band etc etc...
The only thing in life that you have control of is pick up that fork and everything on it...As your belly goes down your dick will go up...START TODAY and this time next year you'll be singing a new tune...
If your not going to make any moves to changes then....... not sure wgat else to say doll..hope it all works out for you Originally Posted by Majichands
I think this whole thread was about his latest encounter with a lady that resulted in a ”NO” review.
HedonisticFool's Avatar u had a bad experience with a provider...won’t be the last time. i believe that ur being too rough on urself. u appear to have been on a hiatus for a year...based on ur last review. before today, seems like u were on a roll. so u had a bad day, and the provider was not empathetic of ur situation. i believe it was wrong that she ended the session because of a claim of bad smell, instead of working to correct the situation. if she’s to blame for ur limp dick because of a lackluster performance, then that’s ur fault for not taking charge, and not telling her what u needed to get a boner. if the smell excuse was just her way of ending the session due to a lack of was wrong of her to keep the whole donation. communication would’ve made a huge difference. if u can’t get it up, and the lady is trying, it’s important that u let her know that it’s not her fault. fact of life, ladies take a mans lack of arousal, very personally when they’re really putting in their best effort. from that point, u both could’ve settled for cuddling and maybe that would’ve been relaxing enough for u to wake up junior...or if not, at least justified the donation with the time spent together.

best of luck,

Dear Mr. Fool..
You gave great input..As a provider who has dealt with plenty of bad smelling people..I have had them go in take a shower and NOT USE THE WASH CLITH AND SOAP ON THAT ASS AND SWEATY BALL AREA...One time in 18 yrs I finially had to speak up..WE DO NOT WANT TO EMBARRASE THE guy forking out his money. I Personally just wont see him again normally. However one time this guy wanted his genetals rubbed and to be honest it looked like his hairs where glued together with crap and he had toilet paper remnents left on his butt..I finially couldn't take the smell anymore and told him I was scared to touch in that area. We took a shower but he was so embarressed he couldnt go further..I DISAGREE WITH YOU 100% IF we have set aside an hr for you and we can not take the smell because of not being clean then NO we should not give up ANY of our earned money...Dealing with the smell, we earned it. I cant begin to tell you how often someone has left stsins on the towels, sheets etc.etc and I have baby wipes and lysol..But nothing kills the mood like a provider spraying lysol near your ass. Most legit providers know we thrive on repeat clientel so we do our damndest to do right by them. We are paid to do a service not to deal with an unclean or smelly enviroment.

To the OP sorry for your health issues. GLAD you have a team of people helping you. That movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is worth a watch for sure.
You are completely right about the predjudice and thoughts about the highly obese. That show my 400/500 lb life hell I can not even watch it..I have seen 2 episodes with friends or i was at a nail shop and was stuck watching it...SEEING HOW THEY EAT how there sappose loved ones how they let them eat??!!.. Turns my stomache and makes ne personally lose compassion. Shows like that has not helped people dealing with that problem it has hurt them. We see fat lazy people that wont give up sodas and fried chicken and want someone to cut off the fat and do everything for them....That is what is being betrayed and that is how it cones off to me. Be like someone stabbing themselves in the arm but diesnt want to bleed everywhere...Well Put down the knife Damn it...
HOWEVER.. there are actually some medical issues that cause over weight problems, bad breath etc. etc.
Again glad you have a team of people helping you. I can not wait till next year to hear about your progress. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND PARTY ON! DO NOT LET THIS ISSUE KEEP YOU DOWN LET UT PUSH YOU HARDER TOWARD YOUR GOALS...GOOD LUCK
sms918's Avatar
ok, new day.. done venting.. MODS PLEASE CLOSE THIS THREAD
pretty pineapples's Avatar
Sorry to hear someone would say those things during a session. How could you get hard. Teddy bears need love too
The Reinventor's Avatar
Perhaps it is something you ate. A lot of foods can cause odors that secrete through your pores even if you are freshly showered. Obviously avoid spicy foods, especially garlic and curry. Broccoli, asparagus and even red meat can be culprits too.

Try to eat clean the day before or the day of a session and drink lots of water.
Did you let go of an SBD? Showers and deodorant can’t help an SBD.
Since I did this damage, I feel the need to add substance about me. I am not a prejudiced person. I do not get disgusted at obesity. Because I was obese. And although I didnt know MAJICHANDS in 2012, I took her advice, nevertheless. I have hypothyroidism too, SMS. After I had my two babies, I couldnt see my toes, and I was left, divorced and depressed. I ate because it tasted good, and I ate more because it still tasted good.

But I employed a gamechanger. On November 12, 2012 I had gastric bypass surgery and entered the hardest phase of my life. I worked hard for this transformation. I deserve the appreciation I get from anyone who admires my body or my efforts.
The photo is me, on surgery day. And obviously the other is what I look like today.
This is a reminder to anyone that seeks a new life. Anyone can accomplish undeniable goals of any sort, if you stop making excuses and move forward. This is also a perfect time to give you the quote that I live by. Good luck to anyone who puts their eyes on a prize.
Before and after
HedonisticFool's Avatar
wow JB...what a very bold move! ur transparency shows ur respectable character...
Woop woop GOOD job.. anyone can do it....