Time & money

Just a quick question. I am not totally new to the hobby. I have been doing a visit 1 or 2 times a year for probably 15 years. I would love to do a little more. I see all these amazing profiles and reviews. But how do you guys find the time or money? ? Especially if you have a SO.

Would love to hear any and all ideas and suggestions.
Just a quick question. I am not totally new to the hobby. I have been doing a visit 1 or 2 times a year for probably 15 years. I would love to do a little more. I see all these amazing profiles and reviews. But how do you guys find the time or money? ? Especially if you have a SO.

Would love to hear any and all ideas and suggestions. Originally Posted by wert9672
Let's see. For sure there may be some very wealthy folks...maybe a hobbyist with a substantiail trust-fund inheritance as well, just guessing..but back to original question, some with many reviews seem to spend in general the lowest amount(hhr); but then how about those that have other "hobbies" like guns, fishing, golf, collecting _____, etc. other "extras" that certainly have costs attached to as well...interested to know how all this is affordable as well, please share
KaitlynDior's Avatar
This is a really good question that I have been wondering about as well. ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ ❓
PeteMitchell's Avatar
Listen to Dave Ramsey as to how to save money & get head (ahead). He often recommends delivering pizza for extra cash and eating at home!
I asked my favorite provider "how can I become a provider - in order to fund my hobby?" She laughs- not until there's a shortage of men.
Good luck W-
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Dave Ramsey does give some good advice.
I'm not sure about this but I think the more pressing problem is most likely hiding things from the SO. That may be the hardest part if not careful esp if she helps with the finances or knows what the situation is financially.
Centaur's Avatar
Hard work, savings and budget. You've got to make money to be able to spend it. As with all of life's luxuries, some are able to afford more than others.

As for SO's, I don't hobby when I'm in a relationship. But not for lack of funds or time. I simply won't jeopardize someone else's health by surreptitiously sleeping around, nor will I say one thing to a loved one and do something else. If I have to lie, I shouldn't be in that relationship.

If a woman insists on spending all free time together or knowing what I do with all of my time, she's not a good fit for me. I date women who have their own lives. Clingy people are neurotic, IMO. I won't cheat on someone, but my sex life before we met is none of her business save for what I volunteer, and hers is likewise hers to share or not. Jealousy is for teenagers and immature fools.

Finally, while, for the practical purposes of shared costs, I'll open a joint checking account with a woman with whom I'm living, my personal finances remain my business. I expect her to have a job and be able to support herself in whatever fashion she is accustomed to. I've never married, but if I did a prenup would be involved. Call me romantic.

Disclaimer: My personal moral code is not a judgement on anyone else's. In the event that anyone is offended that I choose to live my life differently from them, that is not my problem. I don't judge my own integrity by comparing it to others. My values may differ from yours. Live and let live.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 04-05-2014, 11:30 PM
With me it's budget and hormone control. No SO worries. This is a hobby and not my life.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I make decent money, but I also save a good 20-30%, yet can still find a bit for a session or two a week. I don't eat out (love to cook) or go to clubs much, but when I work on my other hobbies (home reno, yard or cars) I hobby less. Bonuses also come and go so I usually celebrate with an extra session with a new girl or someone intriguing.

I also am a value hobbyist, so I usually start with hh sessions and if she is a clock watcher or not very GFE I don't go back so that saves me wasting double or more for the hr or 90 minute sessions I prefer. I watch for hot traveling girls and like to schedule them first at a great rate for a quick review and I have a couple of UTR/Sugar baby types that will spend a long time for very little. Lastly, I watch pretty closely for specials so it's easy to hobby once a week or more for not very much and when I'm flush I can go nuts!
Uuhhhh....I make a shit ton of money. Is that an acceptable excuse?