Any interest?! ;)

DesireMeDestiny's Avatar
I'm looking forward to coming back to visit for about a week.. That is, if anyone will see me The more prebooks I get the quicker i'll be there! Let me know if you're interested - I miss you guys!

jmhawk1's Avatar
I won't be able to visit you, but wanted to say..."you look great!"

I had a blast when we met, so I'm sad I'm going to miss you this time around.
I travel a lot, but if we can make our schedules match I'll be calling.
ccghost24's Avatar
I'd be interested depending on when.
Depending on dates, I would also be interested
chingil30's Avatar
Id sure see u babe
Count me in
DesireMeDestiny's Avatar
Thanks all! I'll be around in the VERY near future! Look out for my ads
Count me in. I concure. You look great !!
burkalini's Avatar
Not a chance after you NCNS me. Of course I found out that's pretty common for you
I will be looking for your ad!!!!
wish money was flowing here better, cause Des Moines Iowa could use you again.