Cold meds

Biggs4's Avatar
So...I've been sick as hell for a couple of days. I've tried many different non-prescription cold meds in the past, but haven't found many that are effective for symptom relief. I'm not going to a physician, or seeking antibiotics, unless it gets worse.

I was wondering what works well and fast for you guys? I have a 12 hour shift to pull tonight. I don't have time for this shit.
The knockoff 12 hour Sudafed they keep behind the counter because it contains pseudoephedrine always does it for me. They say only take one but I always take 2, one doesn't seem to do much for me.
Drink plenty of fluids and try guiffenisan or mucomyst. It will thin the secretions, making it easier to expel.
Antbx will not help if its a viral cold, sorry. Best of luck.
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
hope you feel better soon- I was sick all the time my first few years working in a hospital. Now my immune system is a shit brick house- haven't been sick per se in almost 4 years...allergy season tho...that's a different story
When I have to pull a real shift, I take 2 regular Sudafed (knock off) and then another one every 2 hours until bedtime. And I take a 12 hr mucinex morning and night. When I first notice symptoms I take flonase, but it takes a couple days to kick in. I can stay on my feet indefinitely doing that.
Sweat, seriously sweat it out. Take shower and steam yourself in the room for about 45 minutes then turn the heat up put on some clothes and sweat try to sweat as much as you can I cannot emphasize sweating enough LOL