Where did Des Moines go?

Des Moines is changing...fast. My neighborhood has long been a regular working class neighborhood. Quite, orderly and an all around decent place to live. Thats has changed in short order and this is what I see now:
1. Burqas and hijibs (muslimm garb the females wear)
2. Loud music until late at night...wheather you enjoy it or not.
3. Chaotic fighting amoungst kids and adults.
4. Unkempt houses and property.
5. Its more closely resembles Mogidishu than working class Des Moines.
My questions is, who invited these parasites here? Who decided that they shall destroy my neighborhood and devalue my property? I could go on but, fuck this makes me sick......
Yes you certainly sound like you're a sick man.
Let me take a guess. East West, 30th to 63rd, North South, Madison to Franklin?
Yeah, Im sick because I dont particulary like degenerate fucks making a mess of things....for things that I pay for. But by all mean, invite them to your neighborhood Repdetect. Im sure you'd enjoy a sudden spike in violent crime, and a precipitous drop in your property value.

You're on target, CB.
What does #1 have to do with anything?
Is that a serious question?
Because I dont labor under the illusion that practionaires of that belief systems are simply like everyone else, because they are not. To pretend otherwise is your choice. Let me know when the Vatican proceeds with exectuions of people for "religious crimes", like what happens in Mecca and Medine regularly. Let me know when a Morman stones a woman to death for her crime of being raped. Let me know when Buddist vows to destroy entire civiliations or countries, then sets about doing just that. No, islam is not the same and the moral equviliencey arguement will not stand, sir.
Correct, I can't think of a stoning carried out by the Mormon church, just their continuous protection of people who perpetrate the sexual abuse of children.

And if we apply your reasoning, all Mormons abuse children.
So child abuse by Mormans is sanctioned by Mormans? Codified in their tenents?
Because those thing I mentioned about Islamist certainly are.
Ever spent time in the Muslim world, btw?
ddbl post. appologies
So child abuse committed by Mormans is sanctioned by the Morman church? Codified in its tennets? Are you sure about that?
Because those thing I mentioned about Islamist certainly are.
Every spent time in the Muslim world, btw?
Modern Muslims don't believe in stoning, you're encompassing an entire people based on their religion.
The Quran doesn't mention stoning as punishment for a crime either. There is a difference between what you read on a meme on Facebook, and actual fact.
Hating where you live because of other reasons you cited is reasonable.
Because you see a woman in a burqa is not, it's ignorant.