Pro wrestling

For those who watch wwe or liked old school pro wrestling there is a show in west Monroe August 23 at the west Monroe convention center. Tickets on sale now at the convention center. Should be a fun night
Oh man, I missed it damnit
MMA in shreve on Oct. 19th. Wrestlin is fake.
OOOOO OOOOO I love MMA whats wrong with me
ricio's Avatar
  • ricio
  • 08-27-2013, 08:18 AM
Nothing u sound perfect to me.
lol well thanks ricio makes me feel good!
ricio's Avatar
  • ricio
  • 08-27-2013, 02:04 PM
Know problem JJ maybe we can meet sometimes just to see how perfect u r LOL.
Wrestlin is fake. Originally Posted by DonAsher
Yeah right. That's like calling the easter bunny fake.
OOOOO OOOOO I love MMA whats wrong with me Originally Posted by Julie James
Lemme like mud wrestling to

I'm definitely going to make it to Shreveport and watch the MMA fights in October.
lol Yes actually I long as I can be in a bikini

Me and my friends use to do this in the town I'm from all the time growning up! All I have to say is its hard to grip anyone with your hands lol you have to use the legs and whole body and get it rolling and for the finish someone always gets to hose us down

We also ran around jumping off cliffs and bridges landing in creeks and lakes too yes we called this skinny dipping lol....I was kinda a dare devil
We dont call it skinny dippin where I come from. We call it chunky dunkin
Not so much into pro wrestling as MMA but im game to help with promo anytime u need it. Or anytime ur wife needs another fuzzy to bump. Lol
Lol I believe there coming back to town October 19th the promoter told me. Mma can be boring wrestling is set up to never be
Always a gent's Avatar
Yes it is Oct 19th going to be a lot of fun. Can't wait!!!