a rod

yankee13's Avatar
so today a rod gets 2014 season off from the aribtrartor wonder if he will ever return
pyramider's Avatar
For 25 million a year, oh yeah he will be back.
The Yankees get to keep him till he's 42.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Barring a well aimed bullet or a plane crash, he will be back so enjoy it while it lasts.
He's to arrogant to walk away from the money and where he is not wanted anymore. Besides he thinks he didn't do anything wrong.
I bet the Yankees buy him out of his contract after this year unless he comes in clean and in the best shape he has ever been in. And even then I think they will do what they can to keep him off the roster.

A-Rod will want the $65 million he is still due.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Barring a well aimed bullet or a plane crash, he will be back so enjoy it while it lasts. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I was half-joking, but after watching last night's 60 minutes, I suspect with over a year to get in trouble, and his quest for the 800 club gone, thean may well meet his demise prematurely.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 01-13-2014, 08:14 AM
I'm Not an Arod fan, never have been. Life long Yankee fan. that being said.
I think, 1 season Ban is too lite a sentence for what he did. He should be Banned for life !!

Pete Rose was Banned for life. He only bet on games, he did not bet on the Reds, he could not have effected the Outcome of a Game.

Arod used Banned substances to improve his performance, which would effect the outcome of a game.

Who is the criminal Pete or Arod ??

Ban him for life !! don't even sell him a ticket to a game. !!