drinking during sessions

sue_nami's Avatar
Let's talk about drinking during a session. I do not drink and have a thing about drunk men, it kills my attraction and interest immediately. If he's really drunk, it puts me into a fight or flight feeling that is impossible to work around for this job. Recently I had a fellow not book with me because I was honest about this up front. I know he did us a both a favor by not booking but it got me to wondering, how many of you like to hobby with an alcohol buzz? I think women who work at night have more issues with drunk clients. as a daytime only provider, I do not get it that much, especially because I make it clear up front no drinking at my place. I like to do this sober and enjoy every moment in a lucid manner. what about you? Do you drink DURING a session? Ladies do you provide services while drinking on the job so to speak? Men do you bring a bottle or prefer to arrive with a buzz or go about it all sober?
Well, just because you offer one or two drinks doesn't mean you are drunk. I offer a drink or some wine for my evening appointments and no - we do not get drunk. Someone would have to consume alot of alcohol in a one hour time period to get "drunk" - this is assuming he did not show up at your door drunk. Nobody shows up at my door drunk.
And alot of other providers don't drink but they do something else - and just because it is not alcohol doesn't mean you are sober. Sober means having no drugs or alcohol in your system.
AtxAngela's Avatar
Nope...prefer men sober...a case of whiskey pecker doesn't work well...lol
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-28-2018, 10:59 AM
Interesting question. Just for myself, I do not drink while I am out (or before), whether with a lady or not. So if I am with one at dinner, I do not mind at all if she orders wine, beer, or a drink, but I will not. If I see her at her place, the same--I do not drink.

If it is an overnight at my place, and we are finished with any outside activities I will often have a bottle of wine available and will have a glass if she does.

What I have found is that a lot of women drink, some do not, and for the most part it makes no difference to me. However about 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 ladies I meet drink quite a bit while I am with them. And a few drink too much. There has been more than one time I have had to drive a lady home because she was not in condition to drive, or tuck her in her own bed and let myself out.
sue_nami's Avatar
let me elaborate what this fella wanted, first he wanted after he gets off of work at 6pm which is after hours for me but I do not mind staying late if arranged in advance. then about 3pm day of appointment he texts to ask me what sort of booze I like, he wanted to come "hang out" and drink BEFORE the session starts and I told him then I don't drink and prefer he not drink either. he said oh that's ok, I can just drink during the session, you do not have to drink but i want to unwind after work with some scotch. I politely declined and said no drinking at all here. I just found it weird that drinking was so entrenched in his after work routine that he had to do it immediately after work at the expense of fun time, ya know? not to mention he would be driving drunk afterwards. I wonder if a person can be held liable if the drinking is at your place and then u let them leave and they have a wreck. anyway. he canceled at 330 for the 6pm appointment so it was not too late for me and not a NCNS, just sorta sad. anyway I know not all who drink are drunks. I just prefer my guys not smelling like booze or having what Angela labeled whiskey dick. sober and randy and ready to rock and roll is my flavor of man.
sue_nami's Avatar
Casey KK aren't you underage for drinking too? not to be mean but I wonder if he can be arrested for that too?
sue_nami's Avatar
hahaha yep casey it is all imagination and fantasy right? of course we have very active imaginations. stay safe hun
Treetop78759's Avatar
However about 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 ladies I meet drink quite a bit while I am with them. And a few drink too much.

I wonder why?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-28-2018, 12:50 PM
However about 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 ladies I meet drink quite a bit while I am with them. And a few drink too much.

I wonder why? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
I seem to remember some of them mentioning suffering from PTSD from meeting you. That could be why, don't you think?
  • sydmo
  • 03-28-2018, 01:54 PM
I mostly do outcall (my place) I always have a glass or two of wine with a Lady I haven't met before (most of them) prior to BCD. I have no problem if she declines the wine (more for me) However, I have learned to never allow a Lady to drink in excess, no matter what!! That never ends well

Drunk fucking is no fun for me. I have a hard enough time getting a good nut stone sober
Britttany_love's Avatar
I have shared a cocktail or 2 with a client. Either they brought me a bottle of something I like it or I have offered. Some people are nervous and it's a great way for them to relax and break the ice with a little intimate conversation before getting to things. It makes it more of a GFE experience than a hurry and get it done type of transaction. It's all about being responsible and knowing your limit. After all you are a professional offering a service so do not get sloppy. That will only make you look bad and sex workers already have the stigma of being drunks and into the "party" life style Which is not true for all.

I enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail after a long day. At happy hour, dinner or at a night with the girls so if a gentleman wants to spend time with me after work and have a cocktail as part of his session I'm fine. He's paying for my time so he can use it as he wants.

I'm a late night provider and oddly enough I do not get clients that show up drunk etc. There are a lot of professionals that work night shifts or are night owls like myself. Just because one is up late at night doesn't mean they are up to no good. I'm just not a morning person and I use that time for my real world business. Some do the same.
Smpslt7's Avatar
I always bring a bottle of a provider’s favorite drink. Today was spiced rum. Sometimes it might be tea. But we will share only one small glass to toast our meeting before getting down to business. I’ve enjoyed tasting different types of drinks, as well as the ladies.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Thanks only drankin' Ah dew inna hobby is pussy juice. An' a l'il pineapple juice that day before!