Providers fine with use of (Dental Dams)?

The ladies I have personally seen in KC all know Im total safety nut. And they know I have a very limited menu. As such, Im looking to see if any of the providers I have seen, or any other ladies in KC would be ok if I bought to the session a few dental dams to use for DATY and more so, DATO or TUYA. If so, please PM me.

For all the distinguished gentlemen out there, it very well might not be your cup of tea. I will just say, its my choice, its between the lady and I, and allows me to hobby with confidence, without worry. And I can still have fun while expanding on some other activities.

I would appreciate any PM from ladies who would be interested. Thank you
I can lick a piece of plastic for free. Lol
stupendous's Avatar
I can't imagine why anyone would object to it. Its a good idea actually.
I can buy beer cheap too by the case, but sometimes, I prefer to sit in a sports bar and spend way more. My choice.
malwoody's Avatar
I can lick a piece of plastic for free. Lol Originally Posted by royamcr
Pussy tastes like pussy, plastic tastes like plastic.
I am perfectly fine with it, id feel alot more comfortable with it! Id love to try with you
Cooper Barrett's Avatar
reason for oral dam = 'Super-gonorrhea' which is believed untreatable

It hasn't come up in a session before, but I'm completely fine with the use of Dental Dams. I do wish there was a clearing up of some of the misconceptions pertaining to barriers getting in the way of sexual pleasure.
Had a provider who insisted on using one, claimed she got as much pleasure with it as without it. Told me it was strawberry flavored and would taste good, bullshit, it tastes like rubber.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
I have told you personally
Do what makes you feel comfortable
Latex gloves
Germicide... Climate control germ-free environment
Gas mask
Latex glove over your face
We can go on for hours
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I think that MNG deserves credit for turning a safety device into a sex toy.
I have heard of using plastic wrap.
It would also be fine with can't fault safety! But I still like to do BBBJ....can't stand the rubber taste of condoms. Even the flavored ones have an odd taste! You can't beat the taste of man meat!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I have a gentleman in Lincoln that always uses saran wrap, doesn't feel no different to me.
Go for it!!