Stolen pictures !!!!

This idiot didn't even bother to steal pics from another city she's local and stealing my pictures
Savannah Moon's Avatar
You can do a few things
Threaten her legally.. She's not bright enough to know any different..that's what I did & it worked
OR contact BP & report it OR
post a free BP ad with link rebutting it's authenticity because if she does anything shady, it is going to be linked to those pictures which are going to be linked to you, so you really want her to get those off there if you can
KCQuestor's Avatar
Also, think about watermarking your pictures in the future. It isn't hard to do, and will make it not worth the hassle for a girl to steal your pics.
stupendous's Avatar
Yeah what he said...watermark.
I had my name and phone # on all pics but obviously I didn't do it well enough. I've been changing my water marks tho, making them more prominent and harder to crop out.
stupendous's Avatar
Yeah...a few watermarks diagonally. We can still see what we need to see.
zeejoe's Avatar
JRLawrence's Avatar
This idiot didn't even bother to steal pics from another city she's local and stealing my pictures Originally Posted by JessicaKCRabbit

Wow, she is a good looking woman.

Post the pictures she stole onto your website, then send backpage an email with a DMCA Takedown notice that includes your website address along with the link to the ads where she stole your pics. Backpage will remove them... I have had to do this SEVERAL times before and they always cooperate.. hope this helps!
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Post the pictures she stole onto your website, then send backpage an email with a DMCA Takedown notice that includes your website address along with the link to the ads where she stole your pics. Backpage will remove them... I have had to do this SEVERAL times before and they always cooperate.. hope this helps! Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
As have I
Glad to see you back
Lil miss D!!!
As have I
Glad to see you back
Lil miss D!!! Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
thank you honey, not working, just lurking! lol
Wow! Destiny, just knowing you're lurking makes me hard!!!

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedowns are serious business and are viewed as such by most hosting sites.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
What Destiny said, cause the BP staff usually don't pull ads when both folks claim ownership.
Thus, you have to prove it. A DMCA notice makes them actually pay attention, and including a link to that pic on your website does that. And as Savannah confirms, it does work.
Other folks are also correct with watermark comments.

Last, welcome back Destiny. Lurk all you want.
But, I think we all want to know if you've finished the color on that newer tat.
Thanks everyone
Yep I sure did hun, and also finished a large back peice.. I will pull back my old pic thread and post them there maybe later tonight so I dont hijack this one lol..