WTF with provider time!

So I contact a provider to set an appointment indicating her availability on a particular day and a 10am time. I get a response that both the day and time are fine and to contact her at 8am the day of to finalize.
Day of at 8am I send a text indicating we are still on. I get a text back asking if we could move it to 10:30. Reluctantly I agree as the window of opportunity is small and I have already established my beard.
On the way to the appointment, I text that I am 10 minutes out. I get a text back, I need 20 more minutes can we move it to 11:45? I respond “No”. I get to her apartment at 10:28 and had to wait another 10 minutes to get the OK to come in. Had the appointment but she was somewhat pissy!
WTF I am the one travelling, I am the one paying, if you can’t be ready in 2 hours something is wrong, don’t keep me waiting. Some providers today want premium prices but don’t’ have any regard for the customer!
she was banging other dudes while you were on your way.
Who was it? No shame in naming someone for bad service
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trying to figure out what “established my beard” means.
snoopy75's Avatar
He already provided cover to whomever he was accountable to for where he would be during the session...
a "beard" is your cover story/ alibi.
Yeah, relatable to my other thread I just started. I can hobby from 3-5pm on Tuesday. That's it. If you are the girl who can answer a text and be available at the appointed time, that's +5 on the hotness and performance scale. A super hot provider that is amazing in bed that I can't see does nothing for me.
laserface's Avatar
This thread is timely for me too... Last night, as per normal on a Friday or Saturday, I was trying to find someone to meet with, and made yet another attempt to contact a LC/EB provider I've tried to contact repeatedly in the past, who advertises constantly, yet only seems to be able to respond between 4 and 12 hours after a text... Anyway, this time, she actually did respond in a timely manner (only about 25 minutes, which isn't bad, all things considered), said she was available, and I asked her when I could come by and see her. She said she was not available until 1:30am, and that I could come then. It was well before that at that time, and I know how these things sometimes work, so I said "OK, I will text you a little before to confirm", and that seemed fine with her. 1:15am (I know, only 15 minutes ahead - but she was supposedly expecting me, and I was only about 5 minutes from her location anyway), I text her and ask if 1:30am is still good. No response. I give up, and go back to my evening of watching TV... About 2:00am, she finally texted me - to tell me, yes, 1:30am is still good...

I was still up, so I texted back just to confirm that it was OK to go over right then, and she said yes, so I headed over. On the way out, I let her know that I'd text when I'd arrived and was parked nearby. Which I did. And then, I waited...

After waiting about 15 minutes with no response, and not feeling particularly good just sitting in my car parked on a residential street, I texted her and said I was leaving, that it seemed like this might not be a convenient time for her, but that maybe we could try some other time. And then, I took off.

Maybe an hour later, she texted me ... some words. All I can tell you was that the first word was an expletive, and the rest of the words - well, they were all, indeed, words in the English language, but made no sense at all when strung together in a (purported) sentence...

And then, about 9:30am this morning, she texted me again to chide me for leaving, like I had done something wrong - said "I was at my door yelling for you" - which I didn't see at all, even parked right by the address she gave me - though granted, I might not have, as the place was all overgrown so my view as obscured. As if being at one's door, yelling for someone, on a residential street, after 2:00am, was a good idea... (And the fact that she needed to come to her door and yell for me, rather than just texting that it was OK to come to the door, tells me that she's not actually the one on the other end of the phone number listed in her ads - which is actually something I have been seeing a *lot* more in EB/LC and STG ads lately...)

Yet again ... it's always something.