12/21/2012 Never Forget

GneissGuy's Avatar
As we enjoy our holiday season, let us survivors never forget all those who died in the tragedy of 12/21/2012, and the ancients whose warnings we ignored.
Fucking unreliable Myans! Oh and the Jewish, Chinese, Hopi and all the other doomsday morons. Sun will rise tomorrow too!

Funny post though Gneissy!
FoulRon's Avatar
Sheesh! Don't you guys know that the rapture really did occur that day? It just that there weren't that many deemed worthy enough to be taken.
Fuck..... I missed the mothership?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Them Mayans shore wuz werthless. Ah've been on Netflix a-tryin' ta jerk mah gherkin ta mah main man, Mel Gibson's, "A-pocky-lip-toe" but Ah jus' cain't keep it up long enuff ta finish. SON UV AH BEE-YOTCH!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-21-2014, 12:46 PM
I've been trying to book with a Mayan for sometime. Its on my bucket list of fucking my way around the world one country at a time...

Anyone know of any good Icelandic providers available this weekend?
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-21-2014, 01:31 PM
Yup. Right up there with Y2K. With the Mayans I think it was just the fact that they ran out of stone. Like people who thought they bought a 16 month calendar.
GneissGuy's Avatar
20 years or so down the road, I plan to tell everyone too young to remember that there was a terrible series of disasters on 12/21/2012, and that we survivors rebuilt and chose to deny it ever happened as a way of coping.

I'll show them some clips from the 2012 movie as proof and tell them that it's information that's been banned.

I've been trying to book with a Mayan for sometime. Its on my bucket list of fucking my way around the world one country at a time... Originally Posted by Toyz
I suspect that there's a fair bit of Mayan in a lot of the Mexicans. Maybe you could just fuck 4 Latinas and call it one Mayan.