Obama's 2nd Term Plans?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
According to Dick Morris, Obama has some dangerous plans in store for his 2nd term.

From the article:

Hillary Clinton let the cat out of the bag this week. She gave a speech at the global initiative -- where she said that the elites of the world do not pay their fair share of taxes. She called for global tax reform to make sure that they do pay their fair share of taxes.

Now what she is referring to is a proposal that is cooking its way up through the European Union and the United Nations. For the UN to impose a global tax on billionaires... it may go down to millionaires... but it is at least billionaires in its proposal.

[The money] would then go to third world countries to fuel their corruption. Massive transfer of wealth. From people who earned it to people who are about to steal it.

This is the beginning of Obama's new second term move to give the UN power to tax the United States. And to force us to give foreign aid by taking our money.

We talk about this in our book Screwed: How Foreign Countries Are Ripping America Off, which came out last year. And in our book that comes out October 8, Here Comes the Black Helicopters: UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom, we elaborate on this.

Read more at: http://www.reagancoalition.com/artic...morris-un.html
Oh definitely, Obama's second term will show us what time it is. Thats when his true colors will show. We really haven't seen nothing yet.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They are also talking about a world wide arms ban, a global carbon tax, and the latest; a world wide law against insulting the "holy" prophet of Islam.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-26-2012, 01:02 AM
"They" as in the Obama administration?

Jd speaks of world wide and global.... do tell JD, exactly how does a POTUS have power over the entire world?
Cunnilinguists's Avatar
Well, I can only wonder what a Twit Romney administration would do to the country since he has written off 47% of voters, and he is a trickle-down economics disciple. But his side kick, Paul Ryan, is all about making sure the entitled get the entitlements by way of tax loopholes, deregulation, taxpayer handouts in the form inflated Govt. contracts (privatize everything) We all know big bidness would never cheat the taxpayers.
Ryan is all for comforting the comfortable, and afflicting the afflicted.
Reagan took the trickle-down road in the 80's and that led to deregulation followed by real estate speculation leading to the S&L bailout (124 billion net loss to tax payers in 80's dollars). Then there was the Cold War and the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars program) 30-35 billion in 80's dollars. Reagan must have had a sharp pencil to spend all that money while cutting taxes. He bailed out Chrysler too.
It is all a bit too deju-vu. W tried to take the country down the trickle-down road again and you see how that worked out. Deregulation, fighting wars and cutting taxes doesn't work. Like the world's oldest profession, GREED is here to stay. Regulations are simply a way to keep greed in check. Examples of unchecked greed litter recent and distant history, and it usually wasn't a fairly-tale ending.
They are also talking about a world wide arms ban, a global carbon tax, and the latest; a world wide law against insulting the "holy" prophet of Islam. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
"They" as in the Obama administration?

Jd speaks of world wide and global.... do tell JD, exactly how does a POTUS have power over the entire world? Originally Posted by CJ7
JD's initials should be CL for Chicken Little! I bet he's scared of his own shadow!

Chicken Little (CL) Barleycorn has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is not power over the entire world but bowing to the certain members of the rest of the world.
Stop looking at things through a soda straw and try to see what is happening around you and the world.
Speech at the UN didn't sound like he was bowing to anyone...
Well, I can only wonder what a Twit Romney administration would do to the country since he has written off 47% of voters, and he is a trickle-down economics disciple. Originally Posted by Cunnilinguists

You sure are happy with failure.....it must be in your personality.....

When you say "trickle-down economics", what is it that you are talking about? You are talking like someone who thinks he understands what he is talking about. Please enlighten us, but I must caution you. I don't believe you know what your are talking about. If you attempt to explain supply-side economics, I will respond and humiliate you. You will look stupid and the smart people will laugh at you. If you're scared of being humiliated by me, then don't respond to this post.
markroxny's Avatar
You sure are happy with failure.....it must be in your personality.....

When you say "trickle-down economics", what is it that you are talking about? You are talking like someone who thinks he understands what he is talking about. Please enlighten us, but I must caution you. I don't believe you know what your are talking about. If you attempt to explain supply-side economics, I will respond and humiliate you. You will look stupid and the smart people will laugh at you. If you're scared of being humiliated by me, then don't respond to this post. Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
You sound awfully sure of yourself Marshall. How about we explain sock puppets instead...or better yet, board policy on ghost nic accounts:


#18 - Multiple handles are not permitted, unless in certain circumstances are expressly approved by staff in advance on a case-by-case basis. Action will be taken in cases where staff finds multiple handles are being used for deceptive reasons, to carry out an agenda (promotion or trashing of another), or to return to the board following a previous suspension or ban.
Speech at the UN didn't sound like he was bowing to anyone... Originally Posted by ekim008
Savage: 'Spineless' Obama 'crawled' before U.N.

Accuses president of trying to appease 'Third World gangsters'

With his Middle East policy imploding, Barack Obama “crawled” before “anti-American jackals” at the United Nations General Assembly today to apologize for a film that insulted Islam, said talk radio host Michael Savage.
“We have the most spineless, dangerous president in American history,” Savage told his “Savage Nation” listeners.
He expressed disgust for Obama giving deference to an audience that includes “Third World gangsters who sit there in their silk suits enjoying the 25 percent we the American taxpayer pay to keep them in their silk suits and their prostitutes on the Upper East Side.”
Notably, he said, the audience included the “Hitler of our time,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has called for Israel’s destruction.
The Obama administration has blamed the attack on the anniversary of 9/11 that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya on rioting provoked by a bizarre anti-Islam trailer posted on YouTube.com, despite evidence of a coordinated attack by jihadists tied to al-Qaida.
“Our president begs them to forgive him for the video, when it wasn’t the video that caused it,” Savage said of Obama’s speech today.
Obama told the General Assembly he has “made it clear that the American people and the American government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity as an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well.”
“I’m ready to throw up,” Savage said after playing a clip of Obama’s statement.
“Obama goes before the U.N. like a child and talks about a video? Uses the video to cover for his foreign policy disaster?”
Savage said Obama, who he called a narcissist, can’t ever admit he made a mistake, including his misjudgment of the so-called Arab Spring revolutions across the Middle East.
Obama thought that by appeasing the Muslim world, Savage said, “they would love him.”
“Instead, they killed our ambassador, and he’s done nothing about it, except crawl on his hands and knees.”
The attack that killed Stevens and three American diplomatic staffers, Savage said, was an act of war requiring a military response.
“Any other president would have launched missiles at their training camps,” he said, noting the Libyans have indicated they know who is responsible.