Vitamins May Be Next

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Big Pharma has its eyes on vitamins. Can't let people treat themselves, now, can we? Not when government knows best.

From the article:

A natural form of the vitamin, Pyridoxamine, was recently yanked off the market by the FDA. Why? Because a pharmaceutical company, BioStratum, wanted sole use of pyridoxamine in a drug, a drug which may or may not ever appear. The company filed a so-called citizens petition and the FDA agreed, notwithstanding protests from ANH-USA, other organizations, and thousands of citizens. You might ask: how can Pharma take a supplement off the market and claim exclusive use of it as a prescription drug? The FDA does not presently feel obligated to answer this question.

Won't be long before you have to get a prescription for your One-A-Day.

Thank you, FDA, for protecting us? From ourselves?
  • Kloie
  • 09-25-2012, 09:58 PM
That sucks! The Goverment is in so many places it does not belong. I saw a bumper sticker that said legalize the constitution.
waverunner234's Avatar
Big Pharma has its eyes on vitamins. Can't let people treat themselves, now, can we? Not when government knows best.

From the article:

A natural form of the vitamin, Pyridoxamine, was recently yanked off the market by the FDA. Why? Because a pharmaceutical company, BioStratum, wanted sole use of pyridoxamine in a drug, a drug which may or may not ever appear. The company filed a so-called citizens petition and the FDA agreed, notwithstanding protests from ANH-USA, other organizations, and thousands of citizens. You might ask: how can Pharma take a supplement off the market and claim exclusive use of it as a prescription drug? The FDA does not presently feel obligated to answer this question.

Won't be long before you have to get a prescription for your One-A-Day.

Thank you, FDA, for protecting us? From ourselves? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The opposite also happens.
There is this antibiotic that you can only get through prescription.
It's called Cephalexin and helps fight bacterial infections.
But guess what, you can buy it over the counter in every fish store.
But now it is Fish Antibiotics and not human.
Same pills, same make, same specifications.
Only a lot cheaper if you add in the doctors deductible.
SEE3772's Avatar
you only need vitamins if you eat junk food and not a balanced diet...Waddle on America...
LovingKayla's Avatar
Forgive my ignorance but aren't all antibiotics per prescription? And don't they all fight some sort of bacterial infection? The name ANTI-biotic sorta suggests that.

I mean, I wouldn't know. I've just been a care giver for an MS family member forever. That job gives zero experience what so ever.

And I'd just like to take another moment here and say,


Edit to say:

Ekim, 50 years ago spinach had over 200 mg of iron. Today it has 2. Not making that up. Just went through a class on this EXACT subject. I'm trying to learn how to grow better food.

In effect we CAN'T eat enough nutrition to make our bodies work correctly.

Go get your own links because today I'm having to much fun to go look. But they are out there.
Not when government knows best. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

It sure seems to me that the Wichita Whineman's panties are always in a wad. He would 'whine' if they hung him with a new rope!