Eryka's account compromised

wasnicholshills's Avatar

Eryka's account has been compromised by being hacked into and false statements have been made about her and on her site. Her password has been changed without her consent and knowledge and is unable to get in. The person who has breeched her account on Eccie and P411 has given the following information.

Name: Mr C[personal info removed] owner of [personal info removed] located in Dallas Texas. The telephone numbers that have been provided are 860 692[personal info removed]56 which is not in service and 214 608 [personal info removed]78 which is a working number byt will not be answered by Mr, C[personal info removed], C[personal info removed]'s registered number, which is supposed to work, is 903 305 [personal info removed]05. C[personal info removed] has made threats that if Ms Eryka did not produce pornographic films for him and his company he would post negative comments about me on Eccie and P4111.

Please monitor my account for negative comments and they may be coming from names orher than set out herein. He has previously posted vile comments to my board and I am requesting your assistance safegarding my reputatiion and the interity of your web site.

Thank you and if you have any questions regarding this matte ot other related issues please do not hesitate to call. This is not the first time the moderator has had to deal with a thread created by Mr. C[personal info removed].


(i am on a friends account to write this letter to you)
Jannisary's Avatar
If your P411 account is compromised you need to contact P411 immediately.