Thoughts on How People Look

I was at one of America's highly populated amusement parks yesterday, and had an opportunity to watch the people (mostly families) pass by. Now, for the most part, this is quite a bit different than watching people in airports or on busy streets or in the malls.

This tends to be families vacationing.

And I was struck by some things:
  • Some couples didn't look like they actually went together. Either he was much better looking than she, or vice versa.
  • Some couples absolutely looked like they went together. IOW, they had grown to look like each other.
  • Some kids looked like their parents, some didn't.
Although there weren't any animals in the park, I've heard that animals take on the looks of their owners. (Query: Does Ansley look like Squirrel; does Becky look like Ed?)

Do looks matter? If so, how much? What do you think about looks?
heard it said that good looking women are happier marrying homely looking guys...aside from the money aspects...seems that a not so good looking guy who has a good looking wife will defer to her and go out of his way to always try please her...

What did eve ask adam? "What do you mean the kids dont look like you?"

(she also asked him "does this fig leaf make me look fat?" ..but thats probably for another thread)
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 08-03-2010, 10:28 AM
That is just rude to accuse a woman of looking squirrelly or like a dog.
Rudyard K's Avatar
CT, as I understand your findings...

1) Some couples looked like each other...some did not.
2) Some kids looked like their parents...some did not.

Exactly what were you expecting to find?

This translates into a question about the dog and the squirrel and Ansley and Becky...How??
ive always been flummoxed by the word "how"...i consider it the weirdest word in the english language
  • Bliss
  • 08-03-2010, 11:22 AM
Interesting thread. I was adopted as an infant. My whole life people told me I looked like my mom. I had a chance to meet my birth parents five years ago, and was quite surprised at how much my birth mom looked like my adoptive mom. I had a childhood friend who was also adopted that was a dead ringer for her dad. She looked more like him than her two brothers who were biological kids.

My ex is full blooded mexican. Our kids are half mexican and half caucasian. I am blonde hair, fair complexion, green eyes. All of my kids are dark brown hair, brown eyes, medium complexion. At first glance, most people say they don't look like they even came from me. But, as you get to know them and interact with them you start to see the facial characteristics and facial expressions come into play. My oldest is pretty much a dead ringer for me aside from the coloring.

As for mismatched couples, I've met many, especially in the swingers scene. But as you get to know them they don't seem so mismatched after all.
(Query: does Becky look like Ed?) Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Only when she puts on her Tiara, too.
atlcomedy's Avatar
CT, as I understand your findings...

1) Some couples looked like each other...some did not.
2) Some kids looked like their parents...some did not.

Exactly what were you expecting to find?

This translates into a question about the dog and the squirrel and Ansley and Becky...How?? Originally Posted by Rudyard K
"Ye s Professor, my hypothesis is that some subjects will respond to the stimuli and some will not."

"Brill iant"

On a more serious note it is interesting to sometimes just "people watch" regular people (& by regular people I don't mean the Starbucks in Highland Park) Some of us, myself included at times, find ourselves going from parking garage to parking garage to office building [repeat] for weeks at a time that we lose touch with most people's reality.

I will tell you from my last adventure, probably a decade ago, to an amusement park, that I saw more skin than should be legal and it wasn't skin anyone wanted to see.
Wasn't there a song that went something like "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife"?
John Bull's Avatar
Wasn't there a song that went something like "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife"? Originally Posted by TxBrandy
Sounds like Country to me.
Sounds like Country to me. Originally Posted by John Bull
Not exactly:
(Query: Does Ansley look like Squirrel; does Becky look like Ed?)

Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
LOL,I have actually noticed quite a few people who resemble their dogs.In some ways I think that me , and Ed do look like we could be related. We are both on the tall side with similar facial features, and I always joke that we are both so white we are almost pink.Ed is way more glam than I am,so when people say we look alike I do take it as a huge compliment.

I am sure that looks do matter to most people , but that is a good thing. Would you want to spend most of your life with a woman that you were not physically attracted to, or who was not attracted to you?? Fortunately beauty comes in many different forms so while we may be wondering why, his or her partner is hopefully thinking wow.

I love to people watch especially tourists.They can be so cute in a cranky,I ate too much,where in the hell is that bridge in all this fog, sort of way.
Point 'em towards the Oakland Bay Bridge.
I don’t know that people’s dogs take on the looks of their owners, but I think they do adopt the temperament of their owners.

I see seemingly mismatched people everyday. I guess why there are sayings like “Mutt and Jeff” and “Opposites attract”.