Terrified of ROUND TWO

I talked with my dad today on the phone. I consider him to be respectable business man. He, of course, has NO IDEA what I do and would disown me if he ever found out.

He was very nervous and tense. (I think everyone gets that way when their livelihood is involved). He said, "Sweetheart, get ready for round two of this recession."

I said, "Daddy, everybody is saying that the recession is over, and that things are getting better."

He replied that I was misinformed. He told me that his workers in China are striking for a higher wage. Production is on hold in MOST of the factories all over China for the same reason. He then said that our government keeps printing more and more money, but we don't have the funds in the federal reserve.... and to get ready for inflation. He continued to tell me that they are going to have to pay a 40-60% increase on wages in China to get production started again. This cost is going to be factored into our goods. If our goods get more expensive, then everyone has to charge higher to compensate. But, since our government has printed too much money, the dollar is going to be worth crap.

I asked him why he just doesn't move the factories back to the US. If we are going to have to pay a higher amount, why don't we give the jobs to the local community. He said, "Trust me babe, we're thinking about it..."

I love my job. But let's face it... I am not a necessary good or service. Hobbying is a "luxury" expense; the first to go during rough times.

Plus, the number of women who have entered the hobby has increased exponentially over the last couple of years. People have attributed this phenomenon to the economy. Many of these women will take rock bottom rates, driving down the mean value of services. If the economy gets WORSE, how many more women will become escorts? THEN what will happen to the rates?

As a student, my top priority is school. The hobby gives me the flexibility I need to be a full time student. However, if I lower my rates to keep my prices "competitive", then I have to hobby more and study less.

Many men get excited about a woman lowering her prices. Here is the sad truth: that woman's expenses are the SAME as when her prices were higher. When she lowers her rates, she has to see MORE clients. Say goodbye to GFE. Say goodbye to "hanging out a little while" after the session. She needs to see 15 more guys today to pay the water bill.

I feel so helpless when talking about the economy. I don't know what to do to fix it. I don't really pray. I have my doubts about God, but, I prayed today.

I prayed that "round two" doesn't really come. I lit a candle, and did my best to remember all of those awful prayers forced into my head as a young child. I prayed that everything works out, and that all you gentlemen out there makes lots of money and are financially stable. If you gentlemen do well, then I know that the prosperity will trickle downwards. You will be able to afford "luxuries" like the hobby.

If I didn't know better about the true source, I'd say that this is giving me an ulcer.

Anyone else having an upset stomach over the forecast?
wow. I feel so depressed now!
atlcomedy's Avatar
.......He was very nervous and tense. (I think everyone gets that way when their livelihood is involved). He said, "Sweetheart, get ready for round two of this recession." ....................

I love my job. But let's face it... I am not a necessary good or service. Hobbying is a "luxury" expense; the first to go during rough times.

? Originally Posted by brittanylennox
First with all due respect to your Dad, I don't put too much credence into any economic scenario that I'm hearing 3rd or 4th hand....particularly when we have Nobel Prize Winners that don't always get it right....

As for this business....I dispute it will be the first to go....sure there will be some pressure on pricing as supply/demand sorts itself out, but it isn't going anywhere....

There are certain activities people will engage in regardless of their pocketbook, at the expense of other arguably more critical items and this is one of them.

Another is boozing....back in Oct. 2008 I was at a pub and a patron asked this 50 or 60 something year old barkeep if he was worried about his job. His response was basically he's seen this before and he's recession-proof. People will spend their last dollar on a pint even as the utilities are being turned off. Now nearly 2 years later he's still there...although some of his regulars are now out of work...
1. men's need for solace and succor from the fantasy women are to them


2. Vegas
discreetgent's Avatar
2. Vegas Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Nope; was in Vegas last week and the taxi line at the airport was empty. Was speaking with the cab driver and he said it was that way too much of the time these days. Walked up the strip around midnight; a couple of years back the sidewalks were packed, not so much this time. Caveat: July is not peak time for Vegas but the indications were that Vegas got hit this time as well.
atlcomedy's Avatar
2. Vegas Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I haven't been out this year but my mailbox and email are full of offers...

I kind of soured on the place in about 2005-2006 when I'll suggest they got too big for their britches in "good times"

My play no longer qualified me for the comps/treatment I'd gotten in the past

If you weren't getting comped the better hotels were several hundred a night....now without any play history you can get a room on the strip for <$50....plus other incentives.

So from everything I've seen heard read, LV is hurting
Save your money and enjoy the freedom while it lasts! I think we shouldn't go into this field expecting a longterm sustainable income. Do it as long as you like it and remember that it might not last forever (with or without the recession as a factor).
Charlie Drake's Avatar
I was sure this thread was going to be about brittanylennox being terrified of MSOG sessions And of course I was ready to volunteer to help her get through her phobia, no matter how long it took
Another is boozing....back in Oct. 2008 I was at a pub and a patron asked this 50 or 60 something year old barkeep if he was worried about his job. His response was basically he's seen this before and he's recession-proof. People will spend their last dollar on a pint even as the utilities are being turned off. Now nearly 2 years later he's still there...although some of his regulars are now out of work... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
First, I hope you are right about my dad being dead wrong about this. It would make my life easier and would alleviate A LOT of stress.

But, let me contest your example with some different information. One of my favorite clients has a prominent position in beer distributing. (We're talking a MAJOR United States Beer Company). He told me that beer distribution and profits are at an all time low world wide. I asked him why he thinks this is the case. (I said the same thing you did... when people are depressed, they go and drink). He said that in general, people drink MORE during celebrations than during a financial depression. People are watching their money, so maybe they aren't able to throw the big summer Bar-b-Que and kegger block parties. Parents can't afford to send their kids to South Padre for spring break. Of course there will always be exceptions to the rule, but I think most parents will forgo the alcohol if it means feeding their kids. (Or instead of buying the 12 pack, only getting the 6 pack).

On a massive scale, we as a society have cut back on a lot of our luxuries.
I was sure this thread was going to be about brittanylennox being terrified of MSOG sessions And of course I was ready to volunteer to help her get through her phobia, no matter how long it took Originally Posted by Charlie Drake
Mr. Drake, I encourage you to visit San Antonio and help me overcome this debilitating phobia. I know that you're just what the doctor ordered for this type of thing.
atlcomedy's Avatar
(We're talking a MAJOR United States Beer Company. Originally Posted by brittanylennox
Does such a thing exist
Charlie Drake's Avatar
Mr. Drake, I encourage you to visit San Antonio and help me overcome this debilitating phobia. I know that you're just what the doctor ordered for this type of thing. Originally Posted by brittanylennox
Aw shucks, haven't been called "Mr Drake" in long time. Guess I'll just have to make my way to San Antonio to make your acquaintance and make my day
Here is the sad truth: that woman's expenses are the SAME as when her prices were higher. When she lowers her rates, she has to see MORE clients. Say goodbye to GFE. Say goodbye to "hanging out a little while" after the session. She needs to see 15 more guys today to pay the water bill. Originally Posted by brittanylennox
I mean no disrespect but comparing apples to apples (as much as possible) and just adding up a few numbers... $200/hr x 2 per day x 5 days per week x 50 weeks (2 vacation weeks) is $100,000. At $150/hr it is $75k.

That is a pretty good money even with a substantial rate drop.

I am sure a lot of the women who have jobs at a company would love to be making that kind of money for 2 hours a day.

It would be great if we all got raises instead of salary freezes, no bonuses or even worse pink slips but unfortunately that is not the case in the current economy. I wish you all the best!

That being said... you're pics look great and I am sure you will do just fine and remember that even with 10% unemployment there are still 90% of people with jobs who have the potential to be your clients.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I mean no disrespect but comparing apples to apples (as much as possible) and just adding up a few numbers... $200/hr x 2 per day x 5 days per week x 50 weeks (2 vacation weeks) is $100,000. At $150/hr it is $75k.

That is a pretty good money even with a substantial rate drop.

I am sure a lot of the women who have jobs at a company would love to be making that kind of money for 2 hours a day.

It would be great if we all got raises instead of salary freezes, no bonuses or even worse pink slips but unfortunately that is not the case in the current economy. I wish you all the best!

That being said... you're pics look great and I am sure you will do just fine and remember that even with 10% unemployment there are still 90% of people with jobs who have the potential to be your clients. Originally Posted by boomer69does
I get the point of your illustration but am not sure it is fair. For every "billable" hour a lady is working she is spending several on advertising, setting/vetting appointments and traveling to appointments.

It is similar to many "sales" jobs. A commissioned salesperson may make a several thousand dollar commission off of a 1 hour sales presentation and be drving back to the office or the airport and think, "Not bad for an hour's work" but the reality is a heck of a lot of hours went into that successful sale.

You ignore expenses & taxes (although I'll leave that one alone as I don't want to go down a tangent how how many providers are really paying and how much).

Finally, I'm not sure that seeing 10 clients a week is healthy or sustainable for an enitire year...500 clients a year.

But, despite your illustration, I think I agree with the point you are trying to make. As I stated earlier in this thread, despite some pressure on pricing, the "biz" isn't going away.
Sa_artman's Avatar
While Ms. Lennox therein lies the problem
I asked him why he just doesn't move the factories back to the US. If we are going to have to pay a higher amount, why don't we give the jobs to the local community. He said, "Trust me babe, we're thinking about it..."
I don't see that happening anytime soon. Neither the previous administration (and so far not this one) seem to give a rats ass that our blue collar workers are disappearing. I purposely skip Wallymart and try and shop at as many mom/pop shops as I can, but when practically every item in my living room is stamped with 'Made in China' it's pretty disheartening. When your self employed you should always be making money now you'll need in 3-6 months. If you making money now that is going toward current bills, your in trouble. On the plus side, you have some great liquid assets.