How long is too long ...

Hello everyone,

This is my first post and I can’t lie – I am terribly nervous! So, here I go …

How long is too long to reply to an email? Is there even such a thing as “too long”? I pose this question because there have been times when I’ve had email get lost in the shuffle. Not long ago I discovered an unopened email in my “Trash” folder sandwiched in between spam, spam and more spam! It was almost 2 months old!! I felt horrible but wasn’t sure what to do with it.
Yay! You finally made it.

I have often wondered the same thing. Sometimes emails do get lost in the shuffle, and will go unanswered. A month later I will sheepishly answer the email. Sometimes they are glad to hear from me sometimes they don't send a reply. Good question.
Well hello darlin! Its kewl the way people keep dropping by here. Welcome.

As for your question:
Is there even such a thing as “too long”? Originally Posted by Payton
I don't think so. If the guy was looking for a date that weekend, that obviously isn't going to work, but as you yourself just demonstrated, we all come back. Just write and explain what happened. Spam filters are reality. I run into them all the time and mine eat others emails. I'm sure he would be glad to hear from you. Now if it was a phone call you'd obviously need to be more careful.
Welcome to both you and your incredibly hot avatar photo. Rowr!

When I returned from my hiatus -- I'd stopped even checking my email for a few months -- I replied to everyone who had contacted me (yeah, it took a while...). While many didn't reply, I actually got several thank-yous for getting back to people, even though it had taken months.

Better early than late, but better late than never!
atlcomedy's Avatar
Is there even such a thing as “too long”? I pose this question because there have been times when I’ve had email get lost in the shuffle. . Originally Posted by Payton
Welcome.Always great to see another lovely Atlantan here

I don't think there is such a thing as "too long" -- in this world or the civie world. Most people can identify with spam folders or emails that truly get lost in cyberspace. You may have lost a "sale" in the short term but he wrote you for a reason. If nothing else a brief reply helps with restoring your reputation. Even if he doesn't book with you, at least he isn't thinking (or sharing with his buddies), "well that *&^%$ didn't even give me the courtesy of a reply to my email..."

p.s. based upon your thread title I thought this would have something to do with anatomy
Get you mind out of the gutter ATL
How long is too long......
Till death do you part!

Seriously, I'd respond and explain what happened. Couldn't hurt!
  • Bliss
  • 08-03-2010, 07:26 PM
If I was on vacation and I had my status as unavailable on my calendar......i will respond back and let them know I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner and to be sure and check my calendar for availability.

If he got lost in the shuffle.......i explain and apologize and let them know I would still love to meet them some time. Especially if it is a good email with all the reference info, etc.
I have no idea lol, but I just had to say that I am in love with your gallery pictures .I envy some of the places you have visited .Africa, The Galapagos islands. I can say with much certainty that you are the only escort who has a Rhino , and baby Seals in her pictures.
pyramider's Avatar
I do not seem to have an issue with too long, being too long. Damn the genetics.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Welcome...and don't worry about being here. Mostly the gals get treated with kid gloves.

I don't think it is ever too long to long as an apology is conveyed for getting lost in the mix. Even if they don't reply, only a dick would be offended by such a belated reply...and you don't want to see them anyway.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-03-2010, 08:46 PM
Well neighbor, that’s to long....

I know some of you old farts remember that commercial.
Hi, Payton.

And yes, very nice pics. Very, very nice!

I hope you enjoy this little corner of the world. It's a fun place.

No harm in replying to an old e-mail. I can't imagine that anyone would be bothered by that. You can just say you were pruning your inbox and it somehow slipped in unnoticed between a couple of other e-mails.

Happened to me a time or two over the years!
discreetgent's Avatar
Welcome Payton. I am sure no gent would object hearing from you, even after a few months.
Hello everyone,

This is my first post and I can’t lie – I am terribly nervous! So, here I go …

How long is too long to reply to an email? Is there even such a thing as “too long”? I pose this question because there have been times when I’ve had email get lost in the shuffle. Not long ago I discovered an unopened email in my “Trash” folder sandwiched in between spam, spam and more spam! It was almost 2 months old!! I felt horrible but wasn’t sure what to do with it. Originally Posted by Payton
Hi there sexy! So you decided to go for it huh? Remember the guys that I warned you about here in the D & T Section of the board. If you need that list again just let me know in a PM.

Looking forward to your unique personality, lets catch up.

Ansley and Payton what else could a gentleman want.....(well let me think about that a little )
