(Getting some regular) Sex & your professional performance

atlcomedy's Avatar
Mostly for the fellas, &WTF we aren't talking about your golf game. From what I've heard if that was your profession you'd be broke

But here's the context: I just heard a report that Tiger Woods is blaming is poor performance this year on limited practice time as a result of trying to be a better father and spend time with his kids.

The talking heads/analysts called bullshit on this and silently I did as well.

Which got me to thinking, I wonder how much pussy Tiger has gotten over the last 9 months? I doubt he's gone completely without, but finding some strange has to be at a minimum less frequent.

So the question is, has less sex (for the sake of argument let's assume that is the case) impacted Tiger's game?

For some of you that have gone thru prolonged dry spells, has it affected your professional performance?
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  • oden
  • 08-05-2010, 01:17 PM
It is certainly tough to play golf with stiff hips.
the most powerful organ is what is wrong...no not WTF's weenie

its tiger's brain..its fried...when all this came out i told everyone who would listen to me..admittedly that is a small universe.... that he would not be the same...its one thing to mess around like he did..its entirely another to be exposed and to deal with that..when you have been perceived a certain way..and your veneer has been stripped away ..and your reputation takes a hit...its a big blow to prideful people.

people can compartmentalize and block off their mind into segments that hold different aspects of their life ...and the walls separating those aspects will withstand personal inspection...but when reputation and character dont jive and others know it...when you have been as prideful as he seems to be, its very difficult. it is a rare person indeed who's life isnt compartmentalized and who's brain is peaceful, open, and free, and who's thoughts dont have to be segmented, where you dont have this life here and that life there and you dont have self preservation instincts keeping secrets.

to be truly repentant requires a certain brokeness and openness and vulnerability, Tiger doesnt seen to be in that place. he seems to still be in the cover up and bluff mode.
Interesting thread. I'm not a sports person, so I don't pretend to know.

However, years ago, I heard that the pros wouldn't let their players spend the night at home (or on the road) with their wives on the theory that getting laid affected their performance. Don't know if it is true or not, just a second hand kind of thing I remembered.

I think later, they let up after they realized that it wasn't the sex necessarily that impaired performance, but maybe a contentious interaction. As a matter of fact sex, I think, helped performance as long as the interaction was good.

To bring this down to Tiger: I think what has been affecting his performance is not so much the lack of sex (although that has to be part of it), but the divorce negotiations, and the fact that he had to toe a line during that time.

Now that the divorce is final, Tiger can do whatever he wants, and we'll find that he may be back to his normal self.

Start ur wagering now...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2010, 02:00 PM

Now that the divorce is final, Tiger can do whatever he wants, and we'll find that he may be back to his normal self.

Start ur wagering now... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Tiger's normal self was to be married and fuck around with the perfect built in excuse of never having to stay with any one chick because he WAS MARRIED. Marriage gave him a free pass to play and LEAVE. Tiger, I'm sure enjoyed his wife's company and all that it entailed. Security, legitimacy, intimacy and normalcy. All that is gone. His ship has no fucking rudder right now and he has still finished in the top ten in the last three majors.

Also to people that haven't thought about this much, routine is so very important in one's life to be consistent. How long will it take him to get back into a comfort zone? Will the other players stepped up their game and closed the gap and turned the tables and be the one putting pressure on him? That is what happened so far. They now have the confidence that he can be beat and have put him in position to make the perfect shot. Plus once you lose your kids, golf just ain't that important. Muther fucker ain't a robot.
atlcomedy's Avatar
However, years ago, I heard that the pros wouldn't let their players spend the night at home (or on the road) with their wives on the theory that getting laid affected their performance. Don't know if it is true or not, just a second hand kind of thing I remembered.

I think later, they let up after they realized that it wasn't the sex necessarily that impaired performance, but maybe a contentious interaction. As a matter of fact sex, I think, helped performance as long as the interaction was good.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Still a standard practice for some NFL teams even at home to control the environment, focus, etc. The teams weren't worried that a guy getting a nut was going to throw off his game but dealing with a houseful of people & all their BS (In Laws, Uncles, Cousins, etc.) can be a distraction. In the NFL they can get away with a policy like that because they only play one game a week. In MLB, NBA where they play a pretty continous schedule it isn't practical to say no family the night before a game.

In boxing, there have always been stories/urban legend that fighters would abstain from sex (including manual) for a week or more so they would be more motivated, intense etc. I don't know that anyone ever could show and actual cause/effect with abstaining for any length of time.

I will say a marathon sexual session (hours BCD) the night before/morning of a sporting event, if only from a fatigue standpoint is not advisable just for the same reason than instead of a full workout the day before a game they just have a "walk through" or "shootaround"
Sa_artman's Avatar
the most powerful organ is what is wrong...no not WTF's weenie

its tiger's brain..its fried...when all this came out i told everyone who would listen to me..admittedly that is a small universe.... that he would not be the same...its one thing to mess around like he did..its entirely another to be exposed and to deal with that..when you have been perceived a certain way..and your veneer has been stripped away ..and your reputation takes a hit...its a big blow to prideful people.

people can compartmentalize and block off their mind into segments that hold different aspects of their life ...and the walls separating those aspects will withstand personal inspection...but when reputation and character dont jive and others know it...when you have been as prideful as he seems to be, its very difficult. it is a rare person indeed who's life isnt compartmentalized and who's brain is peaceful, open, and free, and who's thoughts dont have to be segmented, where you dont have this life here and that life there and you dont have self preservation instincts keeping secrets.

to be truly repentant requires a certain brokeness and openness and vulnerability, Tiger doesnt seen to be in that place. he seems to still be in the cover up and bluff mode. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I think your right on. I'd give you a +1 but they're gay.

I read somewhere that they tested boxers before a fight and had them 'release' and found they performed better during their bouts. I would think once the divorce goes through and Tiger goes into 'post breakup pussy roundup' mode he'll be back to old form.
atlcomedy's Avatar
the most powerful organ is what is wrong...no not WTF's weenie

its tiger's brain... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I think your right on. I'd give you a +1 but they're gay.

. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
But back to the original question....if you agree sex isn't all physical....has the presence or absence of said activity impacted you professionally?

I can say some of the most successful presentations I've ever given have come after rousing sex (with usually a new partner) the day before. Incredible confidence. I'm thinking if I can get in her pants (civie dates) then I can surely get in their wallets....I can only imagine the confidence Tiger, back in the day, must have had on the course after some of his conquests.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2010, 02:27 PM
, Tiger doesnt seen to be in that place. he seems to still be in the cover up and bluff mode. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Tiger and Nickulas and Ali and all the greats got into your head with a bluff mode. It is half the game , maybe more in golf. For him to admit he is human is just not a good thing for a top notch athlete. More normal he becomes in his mind the more normal he becomes out on the course.
Sa_artman's Avatar
But back to the original question....if you agree sex isn't all physical....has the presence or absence of said activity impacted you professionally?

I can say some of the most successful presentations I've ever given have come after rousing sex (with usually a new partner) the day before. Incredible confidence. I'm thinking if I can get in her pants (civie dates) then I can surely get in their wallets....I can only imagine the confidence Tiger, back in the day, must have had on the course after some of his conquests. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I don't think it puts me up there with Tiger, but it does put a smile on my face the next day. I find getting to much fucks with my mind more than anything as that tends to occupy to much brain time. It's like crack for me and get's hard to ween myself once I've gotten some. So, in essence the lull's are where I get the most done professionally.
I find getting to [sic] much fucks with my mind more than anything as that tends to occupy to [sic] much brain time. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
And Heaven knows, I don't have too big a brain to begin with...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2010, 03:49 PM
I don't think it puts me up there with Tiger, . Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Tiger might can hit a golf ball further but I'll put the pleasure of my nutter butter right up there with his (at least my half of it! LOL). Shit , even at my age, I can pick up a freaking hat check girl, I don't care how hot she is. Even with all that $$ Tiger wasn't getting no more tail-end than most on this board and it damn sure wasn't nobody famous. Shit he was picking up Denny chicks. Not that they were lacking in the looks department.

So let's not mix-up golf with fucking! He ain't made no porno yet, though he got a great last name if he decides to switch professions.
...But here's the context: I just heard a report that Tiger Woods is blaming is poor performance this year on limited practice time as a result of trying to be a better father and spend time with his kids.

The talking heads/analysts called bullshit on this and silently I did as well. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I thought the same thing when I heard those reports. Tiger was used to frequent encounters with a number of young women who apparently looked, shall we say, very nicely put together! One has to miss that and daydream about it, especially if he is as highly testosteroned as Tiger apparently is.

However, years ago, I heard that the pros wouldn't let their players spend the night at home (or on the road) with their wives on the theory that getting laid affected their performance. Don't know if it is true or not, just a second hand kind of thing I remembered. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Coaches used to say that when I was a kid. But I like what baseball manager Casey Stengel supposedly said about 50 years ago: That it wasn't the sex that weakened his guys; it was the staying up all night looking for it!

But back to the original question....if you agree sex isn't all physical....has the presence or absence of said activity impacted you professionally? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I think it has. Back in the 1970s I worked very hard -- but played hard, too. Spent a fair amount of time in the trendy clubs and discos of Greenville Avenue in Dallas. I always felt that my professional performance was enhanced if I wasn't distracted by such things as fantasies of hot swimwear and lingerie models! (Of course, I might have still had such fantasies, but the previous night's activity always took away some of the edge.)

It seemed to me that getting laid put me in a more relaxed state mentally as well as physically.

Around age 30 (1980) I was getting very tired of the nightclub singles scene. A slight career change necessitated getting up at 6 a.m. ready to hit the ground running. I realized that I needed to pour all my energy into my career, and late nights were sapping my energy. But I still wanted sex, and lots of it. I was used to it.

What to do?

Hmmmmm...let's see.

Why not order in instead of going out on the prowl all the time?

That's when I became a regular hobby participant.

I usually dated on weekends and hobbied on weeknights!
Rudyard K's Avatar
I don't think less sex has impacted his game...life has.

Wives, children and all of the family stuff that goes with that don't lend themselves well to being put in little slots of time. Fortunately girlfriends...especially girlfriends on the sly...do.

I think we all make time for what we want to make time for. But your family personal life can much more impact your work performance than your libido. He is just now having to deal with all the aspects of life that we all deal with. Before he got a persoanl life...it was golf.

I'm Tiger Woods bitches... suck it!