Coping w/Flames ?

vidagalore's Avatar
Sometimes providers have to deal with the issue of bitchy Flames or Haters whether its in their base city or tourimg.Some use dirty tactics or dumb tactics...
How to deal with flames or haters ?
any sweet revenge stories ?
London Rayne's Avatar
If you let what people on a hooker board say bother you, spend a week with me honey lol. NONE of these people can affect your life...period! The ones who do nothing but talk smack in their private areas are scared sh*tless of their own reflection. Probably geeky boys in high school who could not get a girl to talk to them, and now they take it out on hookers they really hate having to pay lol.

They just have nothing good enough in their lives to keep them occupied. Don't let "it" affect you. Success is ALWAYS the best revenge lol. Some thing it's their lot in life to follow hookers around and tell everyone not to see them. When those same guys tell them to fk off, it really just makes your LYFAO!
If you are getting haters it always means you are doing something right, they are just mad they didn't think of it first.

I always ignore the feeble bs chit chat if it is related to me because the truth will come to light.
  • MrGiz
  • 11-22-2011, 09:17 PM
Feel secure in knowing there are over 100,000 members of this website. For every one member who places any credence in any post made by obvious idiots, there are tens of thousands of others who are intelligent enough to read thru the BS!

Let the idiots continue to expose themselves!
London Rayne's Avatar

Let them continue to expose themselves!
Originally Posted by MrGiz
  • MrGiz
  • 11-22-2011, 09:27 PM
Thank You !!
Let the idiots continue to expose themselves! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Indeed. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Thank You !! Originally Posted by MrGiz
Wait just a minute!! London agreed with Gizman and then Gizman says "thank you" to London....Who are you people and what have you done with the real MrGiz?!?
  • MrGiz
  • 11-22-2011, 09:56 PM
As I said... there are tens of thousands of other members who are intelligent enough to read thru the BS. That leaves a group of about fifty who are quite amusing!
Haters gonna hate.
Doc Holliday's Avatar
If you let what people on a hooker board... Originally Posted by London Rayne
I love this place! The fact it exsists fascinates me. As far as I know there's no hooker bars out there, so it's really cool to see you girls (and guys) hang out, talk shop, and of course flirt ! It's all virtual, but it's better than nothing! And it's good for this hobby.

As far as harrassment, ignore it and appreciate the attention. If it's serious, the mods should be able to take care of it.

EDIT: If any of the providers want to harrass me and flood my inbox with dirty pictures of thier naughty parts, I promise not to report you!
London Rayne's Avatar
Ha ha Doc.

Ed, did you forget the formula already? x + LR=Sarcasm.
I can't find the words to describe how hard I'm laughing after reading this. The hypocrisy is astounding!
vidagalore's Avatar
oh Guys thats sweet,but Im not having that issue.....
I personally, have never experienced a direct hater, but I know someone who recently has.

The lady, believed to be the hater, is clearly jealous & has been rumored to be a horrible liar & pretty far out there anyway.

Hater hookers have way too much time on their hands.

I believe in karma & even without any kind of revenge from the recipient of the hater (which I don't believe in), the hater will eventually get hers....if you know what I mean. Karma is only a bitch when you piss her off.
vidagalore's Avatar
Ok Ladies what about when clients flame or hate
and for the guys out there that do it, Why?