Newbie Inquiry - Difference between GFE and non-GFE provider?

I've noticed that some providers list different prices for GFE and non-GFE? Can someone explain the difference to me?
first you need to know what GFE is- it's a loose term that usually signifies an affectionate woman( light kissing, french kisses, deep french kisses, cuddling and whatnot) it seems much more personal than a girl who doesn't offer GFE.

But just because they do not provide GFE doesn't mean they will be stone cold and emotionless (just the bad ones are)

That's my 1 cent.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-26-2011, 03:11 PM
Skylar's answer is about the best you will get. "GFE" is really an undefined term that generally promises that kind of attitude, but different people have different personal definitions. You'll probably see a lot of replies with specific lists of things it includes, but none of them are universally included (or not).
Still Looking's Avatar
I us to think GFE was I brought flowers, candy, a card, took her out to a very nice dinner only to find out she has a head ache or is on her period! Boy was I confused! LOL
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Mr Blonde's Avatar
What's the difference...50-100 bucks.
Still Looking's Avatar
Superthread? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Stop that! LOL

What's the difference...50-100 bucks. Originally Posted by Mr Blonde
The hard way! LOL
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I've said this many times before, so before we get into all the activities, attitudes and definitions.... here it is again.

GFE is not something you DO....Its something you ARE

Its either how you do things, or its not. The fakers can't maintain it over the long run.
Still Looking's Avatar
I've said this many times before, so before we get into all the activities, attitudes and definitions.... here it is again.

GFE is not something you DO....Its something you ARE

Its either how you do things, or its not. The fakers can't maintain it over the long run. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I think that goes for PSE as well don't you think? LOL
Eccie Addict's Avatar
What I do... Come on man don't act like it isn't worthy lol
burkalini's Avatar
London Rayne's Avatar
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCC CCKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!. Not this again. Originally Posted by burkalini

Amen...why don't we simply post a link from now on rather than an all out argument each and every time. There is a search button people...use it!
Sorry guys, I honestly tried to search it up but I guess I didn't figure out the right keywords to use.
Still Looking's Avatar
Sorry guys, I honestly tried to search it up but I guess I didn't figure out the right keywords to use. Originally Posted by h00ters
Hey man no worries! We all started some where! Don't worry about Burk, he still trying to find himself! LOL Waters fine, jump on in! LOL Send me a PM if you need help with anything!

Universal agreement is lacking in terms of the term's definition. Try the following google search terms: review not gfe . Sometimes it will refer to attitude; sometimes it will refer to activities. A better approach might be to find a provider whose ad you like and look at her reviews. That will give you a fair idea of both attitude and activities.