Male Porn Stars in Japan

Quick.Draw.Chris's Avatar
After watching so many AV's from Japan I always find myself wondering the same question. "How is this guy getting paied to bang HER?" I mean look at porn stars in America. These guys have penis' the length of your arm, jizzing semen by the pint and on top of all that having a body most of us would all be envious of. Sure one can look in the mirror and say "Yeah its no wonder that guy gets paid for it"

However... Just now I watched a Japanese video and the guy whos banging the girl hardly even has his face on camera, and does not do anything just humps the daylights out of the girl and shoots a average size load. Sometimes the male's face is blurred out and the movie is shot POV and he just lays there as quiet as a mouse. And more often than not, the guy has a 4" penis. Ok size isnt everything, but explain how a overweight 40 year old guy with a small penis got into banging a young hot AV star WITHOUT PAYING!? In some movies the guy is so unattractive seeing this middle aged hairy assed fat guy and his giant bush almost makes me go limp. I mean thats part of the fantasy right. Watching this big strong cut attractive male porn star banging the female one with this 10" dick while were "exercising" to the video, we pretend to be him.

I mean are these guys in Japan volunteers? Or do they do it HBO Cathouse stye, where they sell these girls by hour as escorts but the arrangement is that you have to sign a contract saying their going to film it all. Is there such a lack of male actors willing to do porn that they have to just find ANYONE willing to do it? I mean no half decent young horny Asian kid ever aspires to grow up and bang these hot girls for a living? It might be something to do w/ their society or what not, porn would dishonor the family name. But hell, from all these years watching Japanese AV's I cant remember more than 5 guys who actually "Looked the part". Go to xvideos and look at any japanese AV. Even with super stars like Maria Ozawa for instance, the guy shes banging is just a regular dude! You think for even their top actresses they would find someone with a above average penis, and 6 pack to do the shoot?

Just wondering if anyone else out there wondered the same thing.
shorty's Avatar
Don't you think that they maybe trying to portray the average, everyday guy, in there porn shoots? Not all guys has 6-pack abs, 10" dicks, and can shoot a cup full of cum in a porn scene.
Quick.Draw.Chris's Avatar
Thats counter productive though isnit? At least opposite of how porn is here in the USA. If a guy does not have a 6-pack, 10" dick, and is able to shoot a full cup of cum then your not getting into the porn scene sorry bud. If theirs a demand for average middle aged guys who dont need any experience at all to get into JAV's then sign me the hell up. Ill buy my own ticket, pay for my own hotel and heck just give me a bottle of water for payment. Who do I call and where do I sign!
Quick.Draw.Chris's Avatar
I found this on the internet:

"Note also the philosophy that many Asian pornography producers hold to: they generally try to select male actors who have an average or even below average penis size, with the idea that an especially large one would make viewers feel insecure, whereas an actor with an average or small penis makes men with a larger one feel smugly competent and it reassures men with an average or a small one that they can be great in bed if they just polish their technique. This Asian philosophy is the direct opposite of that under which most American porn is produced; namely, the philosophy that requires all male porn stars to be above the 99th percentile in the distribution of penis size among the American population."

Well, you all know where im going for a vacation this summer. I think im going to email JAV Producers "KiraKira AV" assuming they even read English maybe they will let me volunteer...