Has anyone joined Bill OReilly.com since he got the boot??

Just thought I'd give you a taste of his daily podcast since you can no longer see it without being a member.

Hey Bill O'Reilly dot.com Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News for the second of May.
OK right after May Day there were riots in Portland and a few other cities last night in France as well. I'll tell you about them in a moment.
But our lead story on the big news tonight is the incredible stupidity of some Republican Congress people. Look I'm not a partisan you guys know that. I feel that both parties have blind spots. Both parties don't look out for the folks at times. I call them as I see them but you have this incredible, and I mean incredible stupidity when it comes to Obamacare, the replacement and then the revocation of President Obama's health care law.
Look, and I'm talking to the Democratic, not the democratic, I'm talking to the Republican Congress people directly now. You have a party and the party is united around getting better health care services to Americans. Ok that's where you start.
The health care law is so complicated it runs more than a thousand pages. There are going to be a lot of things you don't like in that law. OK. So you want to get rid of the Obamacare thousand-page law and you want to replace it with a much simpler, much fairer law that the Republicans have come up with but you can't have a perfect law.
There are going to be things you don't like but if you don't vote for it then Obamacare stays and the Republican Party becomes an embarrassment.
Along with the president, who is a Republican. Trump you may have heard of him. So what you have to do is the greater good vote and you have another chance once it comes back from the Senate to make the law better. But you don't sabotage the law. Giving the opposition a club to beat you to death.
I don't understand this at all. Every Republican in the House should vote for the first round of getting rid of Obamacare and its replacement.
Now on the second round, then I understand. let's get the law so that it helps most Americans.
Pre-existing conditions you name it. OK get it into some kind of cogent shape where everybody can understand how many insurance companies are going to be involved in competing, that kind of thing. But boy I'll tell you, if the Trump administration and the Republican House cannot pass this, they're dead. So what happens is they want to rush it through this week. It's only three more days of this week because they go on another recess next week, Congress does.
I wouldn't rush it, if I'm run the president. Pull back because everybody says you know on the votes another embarrassment is going to really cripple the Trump administration. I wish I could go down there and see these pinheads face to face because it's insane. It's insane. Pass the initial bill. And then when it comes back, then if you still oppose itm vote it down.
OK. May Day.
Here's the deal on this. There are a few Americans, a few, that are anarchists, that want to destroy the country. They show up in places like Berkeley California and last night in Portland Oregon.
I used to work in Portland, channel two. Beautiful town, city of roses, great place but it's run by far left loons and other far left loons come to Portland because the drugs are free. The policing is permissive. A number of reasons.
So the anarchists show up with facial masks, helmets. As soon as I'm a police officer, I see somebody with a facial mass they're under arrest. They're under arrest. All right, now every arrest that was made, twenty-five at least in Portland, they should all go to prison if the evidence shows that they participated in these May Day riots. Prison, prison time. If you keep letting them off with probation, community service... never going to solve the problem. It's not an enormous problem now, anarchy here, but it's growing.
Now off that. A terrible situation last night in Boston. Adam Jones, outfielder for the Orioles called the N-word and somebody threw a bag of peanuts at him in Boston. The Orioles are playing the Red Sox at Fenway. I worked in Boston many years. I went to school in Boston Boston U. and Harvard. I loved Boston but there is a strain of racism in the town and it's mostly younger kids liquored up who you know for whatever reason throw these racial epitaphs around.
Now the authorities handled it the wrong way again. The wrong way. The mayor apologized, the governor apologized. OK. We all know it's wrong. Poor Adam Jones.
You know, why should he be subjected to this? He's an American. Everybody knows it's wrong. What are you going to do about it. Don't apologize, say look we're instituting laws in Boston that if you are in a public place and you use a threatening slogan We're going to arrest you, not throw you out of the game. Arrest you, OK?
This is... verbiage doesn't matter. If it's an anarchist, if it's a racist, whatever. Just saying it's bad doesn't do anything. Put teeth into prevention.
All right.
Now we go to President Trump and Andrew Jackson. Now you may have seen a bunch of people on cable news, and that's one of the reasons I don't really miss it, saying that President Trump is a moron for saying that Andrew Jackson might have prevented the Civil War because of Jackson's skills in running the country.
So Dan Rather, who knows very little about history, and others go out and they hammer Trump like he's a moron.
In my private collection of presidential documents I have a letter written by Harry Truman dated May 18th 1959. He writes to Mrs. Andrew Melvin in Gainesville, Florida. I'm quoting from the letter.
Dear Mrs. Melvin I am sorry the space of a letter is not enough to answer your question fully. History will tell you however that Old Buck, that's President James Buchanan who is in office right before Abraham Lincoln, was short on decision and had he acted with the firmness of Andrew Jackson, for instance, in his dealing with the problems of the South the war between the states might well have been averted.
Period. Unquote. Sincerely yours, Harry Truman. Now I sent that letter to the White House and they have it. That's Harry Truman. That's 1952.
So these morons that you see on cable news, just turn them off. Just turn them off because you are never going to get an honest story. They know nothing. Trump was right. Andrew Jackson would not have tolerated any secession movement at all and would have moved federal troops much faster into the problem situations. James Buchanan, Old Buck, did nothing. He was afraid.
And that emboldened the south. End of historical story, let's go to the letters.
Now these are from the message boards, which we monitor very, very closely.
James from Elyria, Ohio: Bill great job on the No Spin News. Your story on Vice President Biden saying no to the bin Laden mission is great reporting, as this would never be heard from any other news outlet. That's true. You happen to know the reason Biden had for saying no?
Yes I do.
He believed that it would alienate Pakistan and would inflame the Muslim world if we went in and killed civilians along with Bin Laden, and bin Laden in his compound there was civilians. That's the same thing that we hear over and over again. You can't take strong action against terrorists. Even the top terrorist because you may tee off Muslims. That was Biden's reason, and Biden, I don't like name calling and I've used morons already, but boy oh boy, I'm happy he's gone.
Tracy, Nixa, Missouri: Bill do you find it very strange that President Trump called Kim Jong Un a smart cookie?
No, Trump is playing head games with Un. This is part of his negotiation. He Compliments him. He complements him. He says, you know what. You're 28. You run the country you've got to be a smart cookie. That gets to Un, puffs up his ego, might make a difference when Trump is calling him or talking to him through a third party. That's what it is. Art of the deal.
Richie, Debary, Florida: I am all over the BillOReilly.com podcast. I knew you wouldn't go away. Got my VIP tickets for the Tampa show. Can't wait. Saw you and Miller in Jacksonville a few years back.
Hey look, Rich we appreciate your loyalty. We're get to be in Tampa. It's going to be a blast, by the way, you're going to love the show and I'll give you the dates and all of that in a moment because we got a lot of stuff going on.
And let's go to the mail. Now, if you want to write me, it's bill@billoreilly.com How simple is that? bill@billoreilly.com. That's not a message board. That's a direct writing to me.
OK. So that's where we are OK.
James Schmachtenberg, I know I'm saying the last name wrong but it's an amazing name, Massapequa, New York: Your arguments against deploying the National Guard in Chicago are specious. Since September 11th the guard has been posted in Penn Station. The effect they have on crime is not the point. What cannot be disputed is the value of having a reassuring arm component of the government ready to respond.
That's true. That's why the guard is needed in Chicago. I talked about this with a number of people today and that's the only way to stop the madness there. The homicides and the shootings will not stop until you put the National Guard in those neighborhoods to inhibit the behavior. They don't make arrests but they can detain. I'm right on that. I know it's controversial, but I'm happy about my stance.
OK. This is from Nicole in Annapolis, Maryland: It seems to me that the alleged actions of Susan Rice warrant further review and discussion yet she's disappeared. Where did that story go?
Congress is investigating Ms. Rice's conduct. Congress is on recess all the time and then they got the ObamaCare and they got the tax cuts. I expect this story will resurrect but I'm not sure what the enthusiasm level is. Now, Comey, the head of the FBI, is going to testify in front of a house committee I think Thursday, closed doors. We won't know what's said, but it's still viable and I'm on it.
Pam in Spring, Texas: One thing seems disrespectful to me is to call Donald Trump Mr. Trump instead of President Trump. You do this, O'Reilly.
Yeah because I don't want to say President fifty-five times. All we're doing is switching off. We always use either President or Mr.
We don't go Obama or Trump. Sometimes I'll make a mistake but I try not to do that. Mr. is a turn of respect. All right.
I mean, Pam, can you say President President President President President? Come on. This is a verbal medium.

The podcast keeps getting better says Jon Hamilton in Maryville, Tennessee. I'd like to see you go to the studio and get with video.
We are working on it. You know, we're going to have some announcements, it takes a while to put this stuff together. But we're certainly working video components and maybe TV. We'll see what happens. Lots of interest and I appreciate your interest. Very nice of you.
Lauren, Purcell, Huntington, New York. A lot of long island e-mails here. I picked up Old School on my way to China. Couldn't put it down. Great book. I have two points to make. Not getting dressed up to fly an airplane does not make me a snowflake. No pajamas but jeans and a T-shirt are acceptable.
You're not a snowflake if you are comfortable on a plane, but some people overdo it, Lauren. You know, I mean, I don't want to see you in your bathrobe.
And the second point is I use a backpack too, a briefcase a little outdated.
No problem using backpacks. You're not a snowflake if use a backpack.
All right. Keep those mail things coming in. And I want to tell you a few things.
Got Mother's Day coming up, and if you have an old school Mom you've got to get her Old School: Life in the Same Lane. Same thing with Father's Day, old school Dad. It's a slam dunk.
And Killing the Rising Sun, every Dad in the world and Granddad in the world is going to like that book. So please check out the books if you want me to sign them for Dad, too late for Mom. But if you want me to sign them for Dad for Father's Day, just get those orders in to billoreilly.com.
OK we'll see everybody in Royal Farms arena in Baltimore on Friday September 22nd. And Amalie Arena, Tampa Florida, Saturday, September 23rd. Vegas, Caesar's Palace, Friday, December 15th. Anaheim, the Honda Center, Saturday, December 16th. Now these are the ultimate Mother's and Father's Day gifts.
Tickets to see Miller, Watters and me in the Spin Stops Here shows, unforgettable. We're only doing four of them so we hope to see you and give Mom and Dad a thrill. I mean, they're going to love it. And Granddad and Grandma too. So check it all out on billoreilly.com, it'll link you right over to the box office.
All right, enjoyed the podcast tonight. Hope you did as well. We'll talk to you again tomorrow.
Cherie where did you copy and paste from? Also do you enjoy supporting people who degrade women? Well seeing what lifestyle you are in sort of answers my question. The hell with Bill O'Reily
Cherie where did you copy and paste from? Also do you enjoy supporting people who degrade women? Well seeing what lifestyle you are in sort of answers my question. The hell with Bill O'Reily Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
If you hate women so much, what the fuck are you doing on this site?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you hate women so much, what the fuck are you doing on this site? Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
he hates himself. he only projects it on women to make his fatass feel better. apparently it's not working too well.

lukey recently claimed he lost 23 pds .. just because he shits 23 pds a day doesn't mean he lost any weight. unless you consider shit to be weight loss.
If you hate women so much, what the fuck are you doing on this site? Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Where in the hell did I say I hate women? Stop putting words in my mouth you sick bastard.
I have a question for you- what's your other handle or do you want me to reveal it? Why would you be on this site and no reviews dipshit? I know a lady who knows you- so fuck off.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Where in the hell did I say I hate women? Stop putting words in my mouth you sick bastard.
I have a question for you- what's your other handle or do you want me to reveal it? Why would you be on this site and no reviews dipshit? I know a lady who knows you- so fuck off. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
reveal it fatass. let's see what u think u got?

how many pounds of poop did u shit today? you'll need to eat a lot of spaghetti to replenish your fatness.

don't forget to heap on the Parmesan cheese!!!


TheDaliLama's Avatar
Cherie where did you copy and paste from? Also do you enjoy supporting people who degrade women? Well seeing what lifestyle you are in sort of answers my question. The hell with Bill O'Reily Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Do you ever think before you post?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Where in the hell did I say I hate women? Stop putting words in my mouth you sick bastard.
I have a question for you- what's your other handle or do you want me to reveal it? Why would you be on this site and no reviews dipshit? I know a lady who knows you- so fuck off. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Cock stalker.
Where in the hell did I say I hate women? Stop putting words in my mouth you sick bastard.
I have a question for you- what's your other handle or do you want me to reveal it? Why would you be on this site and no reviews dipshit? I know a lady who knows you- so fuck off. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
If you think I have another handle here, go ahead and reveal it. Since you're a cowardly blowhard, you won't even try. And why don't you tell us why you think you know a lady who knows me? That could be pretty funny.

You're all hot air without a gram of substance!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I joined over a year ago and got a free book
Cock stalker. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Hey Dali I just dropped a turd it looked and smelled like you -how about we be honest here for a second Dali.

Tell everyone how you were scared shitless and apologizing to me after we had our pm discussions some months back ? I informered you of who I knew and what I was capable of doing from my past history and you immediately RTM the MODs because you were fearing for your life. You even apologized to me and said this was all entertainment- you are a classic ass clown who acts tough behind a computer screen. Is my story correct cock sucker?
If you think I have another handle here, go ahead and reveal it. Since you're a cowardly blowhard, you won't even try. And why don't you tell us why you think you know a lady who knows me? That could be pretty funny.

You're all hot air without a gram of substance! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
You must take me for a fool ? I post that info and you RTM the MODs to get me banned - nice try. I see why you were and Ex-CEO you dumb fuck. Oh by the way how's the sugardaddy sites going for you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You must take me for a fool ? I post that info and you RTM the MODs to get me banned - nice try. I see why you were and Ex-CEO you dumb fuck. Oh by the way how's the sugardaddy sites going for you? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

you've just proved what a liar you are. like claiming you got your points rescinded .. but not your ban? bahhaha that never happens on this site and you know it.

you talk shit. because you are full of shit. you are in fact ... shit!!

you could rtm the mod's if you had anything to report. so why haven't you? 'cause u ain't got shit .. except that u are full of shit.

now go poop another 20 pds of shit and claim you lost weight.

you've just proved what a liar you are. like claiming you got your points rescinded .. but not your ban? bahhaha that never happens on this site and you know it.

you talk shit. because you are full of shit. you are in fact ... shit!!

you could rtm the mod's if you had anything to report. so why haven't you? 'cause u ain't got shit .. except that u are full of shit.

now go poop another 20 pds of shit and claim you lost weight.

bahhahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You jealous ? I am the one who got your ass banner remember that punk. Remember your old banner : "Banned -not yet" ? You won't be able to use that again thanks to me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You jealous ? I am the one who got your ass banner remember that punk. Remember your old banner : "Banned -not yet" ? You won't be able to use that again thanks to me. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
you got yourself banned .. so what did you really accomplish? fatass.
