Uber lyft or do I need to rent a car

RedRanger's Avatar
im going to to need to go to Walmart to pick up a ice chest and beer and supplies will uber or lyft pick me up or will I need to rent a car for a day
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 08-17-2017, 09:30 PM
Don't see why Uber or Lyft aren't going to pick you up. Probably better service than cabs while you're waiting to leave Walmart. You can always spring for a limo if you can keep it under an hour for the trip (that fucking check out line sucks).

I tend to favor Costco for my handles (the MLK one near downtown is a Business Center version (different hours too) which has a really odd mix of products compared to regular Costcos) with Sams Discount Liquor and Total Wine as decent alternatives.
RedRanger's Avatar
Ok I wasn't sure if they did that just mostly 3 cases of bud light and some pop saw that hooters charges $75 a night for a fridge or they did in 2015 so I'll just get a $25 ice chest instead and save $275 lol thanks for the info
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
Lyft is cheaper than taxis. With the app, you can see exactly how much the ride will cost you before you book it. If you use Lyft Line (share the ride with other passengers), you save even more. If you're a new user and have never used the app before, use code LV560 to get $ off your first 10 rides. Enjoy your stay
RedRanger's Avatar
Thank you've do use lyft while I'm staying in dallas southern Oklahoma doesn't have this yet yeah I'm not using taki's they are ridiculous lol
Why not just use Pikfly and have it all delivered to you? Their fee will probably be less than the Uber/Lyft fare...