Rush Limbaugh Passes

He fought till the end, and died as he lived.

The brutal truth is, you do not cure small oat cell carcinoma of the lungs.

Admire home or despise him, he was the best at what he did.

  • oeb11
  • 02-17-2021, 11:00 AM
JS - Thank You good Sir.
a loss to the political community.

To be followed by the screeches and howls of joy of the DPST/ccp minions and acolytes - deluded by their ideology and hatred of all things not 'woke' and DPST/ccp ideology.

To those DPST/ccpers dancing around the fire as 'boys of 'Lord of the Flies" - go ahead and screech and howl in delight and hatred at the death of One who stood fast for the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Equality of All Under the Rule Of law.

Be my guest - show yourselves for whom U R.
He was the GOAT, the absolute best in his business, he will be missed .....
Ripmany's Avatar
He was a youngen only 70 years if age maybe the liberals kill him. And blaine it cancer.
Rush was a humorous patriot who loved the promise of America and fought his very best to keep it for all
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2021, 01:13 PM
I had bet he'd live to 4-1-2021.

I hated what Rush became but I listened to him religiously in the early 90's before he became a hard right wing nutcase for the money.

matchingmole's Avatar
AdChoices Business Insider Rush is still dead
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2021, 01:20 PM
AdChoices Business Insider Rush is still dead
Originally Posted by matchingmole
Our righties were praying Mike Pence would die but they got Rush!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Even back when I was a hard core Republican voter (prior to 2008) I had to laugh at most of the things Rush said. But he was probably the most popular Conservative talk-show host of our generation and I hate to hear of his passing, although it was expected. RIP.
winn dixie's Avatar
RIP Rush
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2021, 02:15 PM
Too bad Paul Harvey isn't around to give us " The rest of the story.."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-17-2021, 02:19 PM does it mean that he fought to the end?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Even back when I was a hard core Republican voter (prior to 2008) I had to laugh at most of the things Rush said. But he was probably the most popular Conservative talk-show host of our generation and I hate to hear of his passing, although it was expected. RIP. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Could you share with us a couple of those things you say Rush said that made you laugh and by laugh I assume you meant "were flat out wrong and preposterous".

I listened to Rush for years and the only thing I took issue with was his staunch religiosity. On politics, I can't think of a thing I disagreed with him on. The whole issue of religion is what kept me from claiming to be a Republican and joining the Republican party but as I grew and came to understand, that the Republican party was never going to install a Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell type in positions of power, I put that worry aside.

The reason I call myself an Independent and not a Libertarian, is because I don't want to be pigeon holed into any party description. I share views of all three but mostly lean right because of one thing, the idea of personal responsibility.

What would it matter if every individual had a gun if they all viewed their personal responsibility to do no harm but to only protect themselves or those who can't protect themselves.

Holding everybody responsible for their actions is the only solution to all the problems we face. If you don't, if you want to give violent people 2,3,4 chances, then don't be surprised when they continue their violent ways. Let it be know from puberty, that you get one chance and one chance only at keeping your violent nature under control. If you can't, you will be removed from society forever, one way or the other.

Problem solved.
Thanks Rush. I didn't listen to him much but caught his show shortly before Christmas when the writing was on the wall.

I'm glad Trump stuck it to the Dims by giving Rush the PMoF right in front of Pelosi. does it mean that he fought to the end? Originally Posted by WTF
It means he was ranting that science is a fraud while he paid scientists to pump chemicals into his body to fight a fake cancer that bogus scientists said he had. A cancer that was not caused by his decades of tobacco consumption, because that bogus idea was proposed by lying scientists who just wanted to control the American people. No one fights harder than a great hypocrite.