Anyone who believes the election was stolen is a liar or stupid

This is easy.

Present real evidence or at least admit you are lying.

If you aren't lying, you're past help.

I'll stop in occasionally to check on you people. Your zoo has glass walls so refrain from smearing them with your....secretions as well as excretions.
winn dixie's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar
"Default Anyone who believes the election was stolen is a liar or stupid"

winn dixie's Avatar

Anyone notice that the tranny moochelle was one of the last to stand? Them balls must be weighty!

bahahahahhahahhahahahghgahahhh ahahhaaa
Jacuzzme's Avatar
LOL. Anyone who believes biden, who lost every bellwether, lost Florida Ohio and Iowa (by a shit ton), lost black and Hispanic support, won a historic low (17%) of counties, lost 27 of 27 house toss-ups, but shattered the popular vote record without even campaigning even though his opponent gained 10 million votes, legitimately won the election is both dumb and naive as fuck.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
LOL. Anyone who believes biden, who lost every bellwether, lost Florida Ohio and Iowa (by a shit ton), lost black and Hispanic support, won a historic low (17%) of counties, lost 27 of 27 house toss-ups, but shattered the popular vote record without even campaigning even though his opponent gained 10 million votes, legitimately won the election is both dumb and naive as fuck. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
This is easy.

Present real evidence or at least admit you are lying.

If you aren't lying, you're past help.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Sorry, Jacuzzme, suppositions, extrapolations, theories, and guesses, are not evidence. Thanks for playing!
winn dixie's Avatar
LOL. Anyone who believes biden, who lost every bellwether, lost Florida Ohio and Iowa (by a shit ton), lost black and Hispanic support, won a historic low (17%) of counties, lost 27 of 27 house toss-ups, but shattered the popular vote record without even campaigning even though his opponent gained 10 million votes, legitimately won the election is both dumb and naive as fuck. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Dont hit libs with math. Its racist! And they dont understand it!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Keep kidding yourself that voting matters, it’s fun to watch.
winn dixie's Avatar
Dont hit libs with math. Its racist! And they dont understand it! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Game set match! Point made by another poster!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Dont hit libs with math. Its racist! And they dont understand it! Originally Posted by winn dixie
What are you talking about? The only relevant math is this: They counted the votes. Biden Won, trump lost.

Suck it up, buttercup!
Lapdog's Avatar
Anybody that doesn’t see how the election was stolen is a naive moron.

But, but, but.....they had recounts......

Sure, they kept feeding the same phony ballots into the machines.
There no but do of the votes, there no proof of Dominion voting machine jumping we all know it happens when we watch porn, it jumps to some add even though we intend to hit but bottom for next page. The back bigger thing do you have one shred of proof that Joe Biden one, other than a few demcract that I charge. The win responsible to proove he win. Not the loser to prove he didn't.
This is easy.

Present real evidence or at least admit you are lying.

If you aren't lying, you're past help.

I'll stop in occasionally to check on you people. Your zoo has glass walls so refrain from smearing them with your....secretions as well as excretions.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
it seems that you're going off on the mouth cuz I know you're too stupid to like that stuff. Come on baby we all love talk to text.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Anybody that doesn’t see how the election was stolen is a naive moron.

But, but, but.....they had recounts......

Sure, they kept feeding the same phony ballots into the machines. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lots of theories, lots of claims, lots of whining.

No evidence.

Certainly won't win anything in court!