Washington Examiner Kamala Harris now gets to oversee Biden's border mess and will do nothing to fix it

  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2021, 12:07 PM

When President Joe Biden appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to "lead" on the mess he created at the border, his supportive press welcomed it as a monumental decision. In reality, he just handed his vice president a bag of dog doo.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Congratulations, Kamala! Here's your "big new role" (as Mike Allen at Axios put it)!

Speaking at the White House on Wednesday, Biden said Harris was "the most qualified person" to "help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border."
The media were elated. The New York Times said that the announcement "underscores the sense of urgency at the border," as if Harris was ready to don a cape, stand in front of the endless stream of migrants flooding into the country, and tell them to immediately halt.
Harris won't actually be doing anything substantive. As Harris herself put it, she will be "engaging in diplomacy." That means she'll be asking the heads of the governments in Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to please, pretty, pretty please help us with our problem, which, yes, existed before Biden was in office, but which he compounded by a factor of 10 by promising to open the border.
Biden also said his administration would restore some $700 million of annual foreign aid to the region, which had been cut off in 2019 by former President Donald Trump. But the reason that aid was cut off in the first place is precisely because those governments weren't doing anything to break up the so-called caravans of tens of thousands of people making their way here.
It was only after Trump cut off the aid that Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala began to help, and guess what — the number of migrants crossing into the United States plummeted.
The previous administration had put together a complex and relatively effective system at the border to stem the flow of destitute migrants hoping to claim asylum, thus securing loads of goodies courtesy of taxpayers. The moment Biden was sworn into office, he began taking that system apart and bragging while doing it.
He's created a disaster and is now handing it off to Harris so that she can pretend to know how to fix it by doing anything but the things that will actually fix it.
The only person who should be happy here is Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Until this week, he was the one looking dumb because he was the one responsible for the border chaos. Well, now that problem is no longer his. It's Harris's.
Congratulations to Kamala Harris.

Comment -Reality - a big show for a fawning DPST LSM - and nothing will happen - fiden adn harris are happily punishing Texas with disease and crime ridden illegals to care for - the Feds refuse - and sic their illegals on the non-compliant red voting state of Texas.

the marxist feds are happily sic'ing on Texas their crime cabals with drugs, human trafficking, crime, gangs, murder, torture, arson - and all conceivable crimes -

Hey - say fiden and harris - it is Ok to punish Texas and all those who disagree with our marxist takeover.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Blithering Hypocrisy of the progressive left has no Borders(LOL)
The human tsunami of Covid positive escapees will continue, making it harder for Texas and other states to control the virus ..... I'm sure Harris' top priority is to keep them coming, you certainly can't have enough dipshit voters, especially if you're goal is to rig elections .....
when dimocrats talk about the border and its security

no matter what they say, the bottom line is its not about the border and its security, its about the politics
  • oeb11
  • 03-26-2021, 11:00 AM
Agreed - and kumhoela is about to let in hundreds of thousands of illegals - crime and
disease ridden - to punish red states - and swing them into line with DPST 'order' and institute one party marxist rule.

from my cold dead hands - Kumhoela.
LexusLover's Avatar
Agreed - and kumhoela is about to let in hundreds of thousands of illegals - crime and
disease ridden - to punish red states - and swing them into line with DPST 'order' and institute one party marxist rule. Originally Posted by oeb11
One word: California!
as texas goes, so goes the united states

the dimocrats want to destroy the constitution and liberty and have a target on america with texas the bullseye
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Here's a thought, can Texas law enforcement arrest federals for abandoning folks in the desert, or anywhere for that matter, for abuse?
No water, no food, no housing, exposed to elements, no way to reach a safe place, etc.
Here's a thought, can Texas law enforcement arrest federals for abandoning folks in the desert, or anywhere for that matter, for abuse?
No water, no food, no housing, exposed to elements, no way to reach a safe place, etc. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
theres government immunity

you know, the sort they want to remove from the cops
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2021, 08:14 AM
Jerk-fest 2.0
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 08:48 AM
thanks for the nonsense - 'w'

Please get some help regarding Gender identity - Life can be much better when One accepts oneself a One is.
And abandons the incessant homosexual imagery as 'criticism' of a Conservative political thoughtful process!