Lately i cant post pics on ads. I get a pop up telling me i dont have enough space ..?
Originally Posted by Honeybee4you
I'm not staff, but I think I know what's going on. You're posting pictures as attachements to your ads, and if I'm remembering correctly you (like many other ladies here) aren't resizing your pictures (I looked at your latest ad in Weekend Lineup, and the picture attached there is humongous).
User accounts here seem to have a limited amount of storage space for photos that are attached to posts, and once you fill that space up you have to start deleting earlier attachments in order to make free space for your newer ones. (HINT: if you want to keep attaching photos to your ads, try resizing them... you'll be able to put more photos in your assigned storage space if they aren't the size of Siberia...

You might want to look into getting some sort of hosting service (maybe like Photobucket), and post your pictures as embedded photos (using the image tags) rather than as attachments. That way your storage space isn't dictated by ECCIE, but rather by your hosting service which probably has more generous storage limits than this site does.
On the other hand, a photo hosting service may put content limitations on your photos you save there (they may not allow nudes or topless photos. You might want to ask other providers who embed photos in their ads what hosting services they use and what their limits are.