KatyLeigh007's Avatar
Is anyone able to get onto their Oh2 anymore nowadays?
nope.. I get the "IP blocked" message
Smerc's Avatar
  • Smerc
  • 11-06-2024, 07:12 PM
Working for me for some reason. I'm on PC.
pmdelites's Avatar
for me using Brave on Windows 11, "Database error" has been occurring frequently in the last week or so.
but when it doesnt error, all things normal. (or as normal as can be on a provider ad, info & review board :^}
adav8s28's Avatar
for me using Brave on Windows 11, "Database error" has been occurring frequently in the last week or so.
but when it doesnt error, all things normal. (or as normal as can be on a provider ad, info & review board :^} Originally Posted by pmdelites
My laptop computer I use Google Chrome on Windows 10 system. I get the same error as above once in a while. Other than that no issues. I have had the same password for two years.
myren1900's Avatar
I use Firefox on an iPad and on a PC . No problem

Can't get to it on my home desktop no matte what browser I use. But my laptops, my phone and tablet all work if I go to an open WIFI.