Just a thought.
Just a thought. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That’s an accusation you can’t prove. But what has been proven are the lies of Roger Stone. The lies he told to protect trump are now a matter of fact and begs the question “ did trump lie in his written answers to Mueller.”
Yovanovitch is a liar. What you're citing is only part of what she lied about. It's too agenda-driven convenient for her to "know Trumps' mind" when she fallaciously accused Trump of seeking information from Ukraine for "personal benefit" but then declare she didn't know "Trump's mind" when asked if Trump might have been trying to get to the bottom of the corrupt actions in Ukraine during the 2016 election. She's as duplicitous as hell. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That’s an accusation you can’t prove. But what has been proven are the lies of Roger Stone. The lies he told to protect trump are now a matter of fact and begs the question “ did trump lie in his written answers to Mueller.”
Lots more coming.Originally Posted by Jaxson66
That’s an accusation you can’t prove. But what has been proven are the lies of Roger Stone. The lies he told to protect trump are now a matter of fact and begs the question “ did trump lie in his written answers to Mueller.”An intelligent person watching that bitch today can damn well tell that she claimed to "know Trump's mind" when her "knowledge" would damage Trump and then she pleaded fucking ignorance to "knowing Trumps' mind" when such would benefit Trump. It's blatantly obvious to all except the most stupidly dishonest and lib-retarded jackasses.
Lots more coming.Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Give your balls a tug, the both of yous! Trump is a maniac and showed it again today, And reading these pitiful outbursts, I can’t help but think yous all’s think you’re splendid orange ape might finally get the boot.Please spit chung trannys nutt out your mouth. We cant understand yous..
Are you angry Americans ready to tear your country down if and when they remove Trump? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That’s an accusation you can’t prove. But what has been proven are the lies of Roger Stone. The lies he told to protect trump are now a matter of fact and begs the question “ did trump lie in his written answers to Mueller.”Remember you said that that's an accusation you can't prove. Almost all of this so called evidence is nothing more than unproven accusations. So remember what you said.
Lots more coming.Originally Posted by Jaxson66