Fani's RICO Case Problem

... Rather interesting that Fani Willis has surely
developed a problem with her RICO cases she's bringing:
... 0 for 4. ... NONE of the plead deals include a RICO count.

... Hmmmm... I thought the "RICO" Organised Crime Count
was supposed to be significant - tha actual crux of the case.
Surely reckon THAT has simply become just another sad
ten-a-penny dream to "get" Trump.

The Dems, the liberal news media, and even some o'
you mates here were laughing and cheering the word
that Ken Chesebro pled guilty... And Dems believe
that Chesebro taking a guilty plea means that he
must have "sang like a lyre-bird" against Trump.

... That's what CNN-News was thinking - when they
hosted Chesebro's own barrister Scott Grubman
to talk with CNN's Abby Phillips.

Abby asked Grubman about Chesebro implicating Trump
- and Grubman surely gave her a good answer:

"I don't think he implicated anyone but himself"...
"And I just want to point out two important facts
- (Chesebro did) avoid jail time - and he DID NOT
plead guilty to the RICO charge."

... Mr. Chesebro pled guilty to "Conspiracy to
Commit Filing of False Documents"...

Also, Mr. Grubman stated that it was NOT a slate of
"fake electors" - they were alternate electors
should the election result be reversed.

And he also wondered WHY - if Fani Willis could PROVE
a RICO case - then why she would quickly allow
Chesebro (and the others) to plea bargain for a
non-related count?

... This whole RICO case is collapsing like
a tin shithouse roof. ... And THAT is Fani's problem.

#### Salty
Duh, RICO isn't a crime, it is an act. These are some of the crimes. Any act of bribery, counterfeiting, theft, embezzlement, fraud, dealing in obscene matter, obstruction of justice, slavery, racketeering, gambling, money laundering, commission of murder-for-hire, and many other offenses covered under the Federal criminal code.
Salty doesn’t know shit about RICO, the law, Willis’ case, elections, fraud or basically anything.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Salty doesn’t know shit about RICO, the law, Willis’ case, elections, fraud or basically anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That position seems rather consistent among Trump cultists regarding all topics that involve Twitler.
Duh, RICO isn't a crime, it is an act. These are some of the crimes. Any act of bribery, counterfeiting, theft, embezzlement, fraud, dealing in obscene matter, obstruction of justice, slavery, racketeering, gambling, money laundering, commission of murder-for-hire, and many other offenses covered under the Federal criminal code. Originally Posted by royamcr
... And I DON'T see any of those "crimes" in any
of the plead deals there, Duh...

#### Salty
Salty doesn’t know shit about RICO, the law, Willis’ case, elections, fraud or basically anything. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... But Chesebro's barrister there surely DOES
- and I just showed HIS thoughts on the matter.

You mates can check-with CNN for further details.

... And I'd like to say that "We'll see so in Court!"
But at the rate Fani is moving with this, none o'
the cases may even make it to trial.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Racketeering is the act of acquiring a business through illegal activity, operating a business with illegally-derived income, or using a business to commit illegal acts.

In the cases where the attorneys pled guilty, they were doing so , in concert of each other, (so there is the conspired part), in an attempt to defraud voters in Georgia by known false allegations. Aka Fraud.

Salty I'm not sure why you can't connect the dots here, but anybody who knowingly files false documents is committing fraud when it's done or purposes in court to change a legal outcome.

Equally, the assertion by Trump to change taxed valuations versus his claimed values of property, when either going for loans, or for you some collateral is also fraud. There seems to be some inability for folks on this board to understand, that if you try to cheat the tax man by claiming your property is worth less on one document, and more on another, that you are somehow not doing something illegal. You in fact are committing fraud when you do that regardless, if you make every single payment, or not.

Just think about this, Trump has filed numerous bankruptcies in the past, and if in the past he did the preparation of these businesses, meaning getting loans or other finances in order, but using collateral that was overly inflated in value, now you've left some of the debtors in a situation, or they relied on collateral that was overvalued. I'm sure that that's part and parcel of the claims relative to Trump in New York City, but not related to the Georgia voter fraud claim. I don't think state governments are done with Donald j Trump by a long shot when it comes to the fraud that he has portrayed in front of every taxable property he owns. And of course once one of them gets proven, all the states are going to come running to get their piece of Donnie's pie.

Certainly the statute of limitations will come into play, as some of this with civil matters but when it becomes systemic, it becomes criminal in nature, or if the intent was to indeed defraud from the onset, it's usually a criminal matter. Jenna Ellis pled guilty to a felony count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings aka Fraud.

Sidney Powell, a lawyer who worked for Donald, pled guilty to 6 criminal counts of conspiracy to commit interference with election duties, (conspiracy is part of racketeering also) and her plea was relating to interfering w election machines...(theft of votes)

Chesebro pleaded guilty to one felony – conspiracy to commit filing false documents. (Fraud)

All these things line up together as a group that conspired to defraud voters in the state of Georgia. I'm not sure what's so hard to figure out for our folks who are supporting the GOP.

It allows a prosecutor to go after the head of an organization, loosely defined, without having to prove that that head directly engaged in a conspiracy or any acts that violated state law. Trump thinks he is innocent since he had others do his dirty work. Not according to RICO. Though take trump out of the picture and none of these crimes would have happened.

Prosecutors need only show “a pattern of racketeering activity,” which means crimes that all were used to further the objectives of a corrupt enterprise.

The bar is set pretty low for proof.

The law doesn’t require the state to prove they knew about or ordered all the crimes, just that they are the head of an enterprise that carried them out.

There are around 30 crimes that fall under RICO, trump is fucked, and I'm loving seeing his temper tantrums. lolol

Next up, cameras gonna be on in the courtroom.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Don't tell that to the brainwashed.
  • Tiny
  • 10-28-2023, 09:49 PM
... Rather interesting that Fani Willis has surely
developed a problem with her RICO cases she's bringing:
... 0 for 4. ... NONE of the plead deals include a RICO count.

... Hmmmm... I thought the "RICO" Organised Crime Count
was supposed to be significant - tha actual crux of the case.
Surely reckon THAT has simply become just another sad
ten-a-penny dream to "get" Trump.

The Dems, the liberal news media, and even some o'
you mates here were laughing and cheering the word
that Ken Chesebro pled guilty... And Dems believe
that Chesebro taking a guilty plea means that he
must have "sang like a lyre-bird" against Trump.

... That's what CNN-News was thinking - when they
hosted Chesebro's own barrister Scott Grubman
to talk with CNN's Abby Phillips.

Abby asked Grubman about Chesebro implicating Trump
- and Grubman surely gave her a good answer:

"I don't think he implicated anyone but himself"...
"And I just want to point out two important facts
- (Chesebro did) avoid jail time - and he DID NOT
plead guilty to the RICO charge."

... Mr. Chesebro pled guilty to "Conspiracy to
Commit Filing of False Documents"...

Also, Mr. Grubman stated that it was NOT a slate of
"fake electors" - they were alternate electors
should the election result be reversed.

And he also wondered WHY - if Fani Willis could PROVE
a RICO case - then why she would quickly allow
Chesebro (and the others) to plea bargain for a
non-related count?

... This whole RICO case is collapsing like
a tin shithouse roof. ... And THAT is Fani's problem.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, If this interests you and if you have Netflix, there's a three part series on John Gotti out that I thought was fascinating. It walks you through three RICO prosecutions of Gotti. The three things the prosecutor is trying to prove are

Existence of Criminal Enterprise

Proof of Membership (of the Defendant) in the Criminal Enterprise

Two Criminal Acts on behalf of the enterprise

In the first RICO trial, the prosecution used old convictions of Gotti's associates to try to prove the RICO charges. If Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and others who pleaded guilty can tie Trump to violations of the law related to alternate electors and the like, then they can help convict him of the RICO charges.

Is it a stretch to call the 2020 post-election shenanigans a criminal enterprise? I have no idea. It wasn't an ongoing criminal enterprise, like Gotti's, that endured many years, but rather a one time attempt to overturn an election. That may be irrelevant though. Intuitively I doubt the Georgia legislature intended the RICO statutes would be used to prosecute this type of case, but that and $4.00 will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

In the first trial, Gotti was declared not guilty because his associate, Sammy Gravano, bribed one of the jurors with $60,000. There was possibly jury tampering in the second trial too. Also, tapes of Gotti's conversations weren't introduced as evidence the first two times around.

In the third trial, tapes were the bedrock of the case. And they literally had years of evidence from monitoring Gotti's conversations. For Trump you've got the conversation with Rafensperger, and not much else that we're aware of yet. Also, Gravano, Gotti's second in commmand, flipped and testified against Gotti. Gravano flipped because he thought Gotti was going to have him whacked. While I suspect it's unlikely Giuliani will flip, apparently plenty of other rats are coming out of the woodwork.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Tiny, that documentary series wasn't that special. That's about at least the 5th different documentary I've seen about Gotti in the last 20 years. Guess what? They all end the same and he dies in prison. That's the problem with dumb fucks like him and Trump, they think they are untouchable when everyone with any common sense knows they can always be touched if they piss off the wrong people and they have some serious dirt on their resume.

As far as the OP's usual commentary, well, I'll just say at least he is consistent with his comical beliefs. I'd have a better chance of convincing a suicide bomber that he really doesn't have 72 virgins waiting for him after the completion of his mission than convincing Salty that Trump is a highly flawed man who actually does not walk on water.
... Let's NOT get any further a-stray from the thread topic.
Which is Fani Willis and her GREAT LACK of "RICO charges"...

... So far - she's been "All TALK and NO Cock"...

#### Salty
Wrong. She’s got 4 people so far prove separate elements of the bigger crime enterprise.

Under Salty’s illogic, having one of the mob capos admit to murder in a mafia RICO and their lawyer claiming that “it’s not a RICO charge though”.

Salty would do well to just say nothing about things he’s no concept of.
Wrong. She’s got 4 people so far prove separate elements of the bigger crime enterprise.

Under Salty’s illogic, having one of the mob capos admit to murder in a mafia RICO and their lawyer claiming that “it’s not a RICO charge though”.

Salty would do well to just say nothing about things he’s no concept of. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... This situation is NOT Mafia whataboutism.
Just simply "No RICO charges"...

... Ho Hum... nothing to see here....

#### Salty
... This situation is NOT Mafia whataboutism.
Just simply "No RICO charges"...

... Ho Hum... nothing to see here....

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again need someone to light a candle? As stated, RICO isn't a charge.

The Georgia law contains a list of 40 state crimes or acts that together can be classified as 'racketeering schemes.' It is broader than the federal law in that attempting, soliciting, coercing, and intimidating another person to commit any of the offenses can also be considered organized crime.

You got 3 Drump "barristers" who admitted to these crimes. You're right, nothing to see here from someone who knows nothing of legal matters a middle school student could understand. Or put another way...hide and watch. And get your "appeals" and pardon posts ready.