You might have hobbied too long if.....

Got to admit to being a little board today so thought I would just post something for the hell of it.

Anybody got something to add, please chime in.

And since I started this thing, guess I will post the first one..

You might have hobbied too long if..

While looking thru the BP ads, you recognize the no-tel room the lady took her picture in.

sympleman's Avatar
You might have hobbied too long if....

You've met SKF!

just sayin....

You might have hobbied too long if....

You've met SKF!

just sayin....

Sympy. Originally Posted by sympleman
If you have a "session" with your SO and get up to leave after an hour.
If you have a "session" with your SO and get up to leave after an hour. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
Where do you come up with this stuff Smith. You crack me up.

You know you been hobbying to long when you start introducing yourself by your handle instead of your real name.

You know you been hobbying to much when you use the urban dictionary more than any other book.
rgvpapi's Avatar
You know you've hobbied too long when you see acronyms like "GFE" in real life and laugh for no apparent reason (to anyone else)...

You know you've hobbied too long when you see a female in public and mentally calculate her hourly earnings potential...
In the middle of sex with your SO your ask if greek costs extra.
In the middle of sex with your SO your ask if greek costs extra. Originally Posted by perdido
That would hurt
sympleman's Avatar
You carry white envelopes in your vehicle.

Your doing your taxes, find out you owe $350.00 and list it on the return as $$$.5
You might have hobbied too long,,
if you know any providers that are drawing social security.
You may have been in the hobby to long when you make fun of a provider that looks better than you, and forget that in real life they would slap you, and you believe yourself to be a hunk!!
you may have been in the hobby to long when you look at a bed for sale and wonder how much weight it holds!
You may have been in the hobby to long when you make fun of a provider that looks better than you, and forget that in real life they would slap you, and you believe yourself to be a hunk!! Originally Posted by victoria
Victoria, I realized a long time that I am no hunk. And have got slapped more than once for asking a lady, " you want to fuck or what?"

Just saying..
IF I slap you its extra,too much energy and emotional time babe!! I am use to having many things said to me, I don't usually try to be a baby!
You may have been in the hobby too long when when you you see hobby abbreviations on licence plates!!!
Now that's a good one