Interesting facts.

During the years that I been traveling to Laredo, I have picked up several interesting facts that I just thought I would pass along regarding the culture down here.

Interesting fact #1

The chihuahua dog is known today as a nervous lap dog. But did you know that in times past, they roamed the Mexican deserts in packs of thousands and would attack animals much larger than themselves? This led to the popular expression, Ayyyyeee, chihuahua!

Interesting fact #2

In most situations, two phrases in Spanish can take care of most everything that you may need.
Uno mas cerveza por favor and coger de los panocha, or culo, if you are so inclined.

Interesting fact number #3

Latina women are famous for being hot blooded. But did you know that they can also be hot tempered? This is best demonstrated when you have enjoyed too much cerveza and approach a lady and say coger de los panocha when she is not interested in you. This can result in you wishing that you were fighting off a pack of chihuahuas.

Just a bit of tequila fueled wisdom, courtesy of The Colonel
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  • Mokoa
  • 06-08-2011, 06:42 PM
Latina women are famous for being hot blooded. But did you know that they can also be hot tempered? Originally Posted by Col. Zodiak

Piss them off badly enough they will rip you a new one in the blink of an eye.
capitan1962's Avatar
Uno mas cerveza por favor and coger de los panocha, or culo, if you are so inclined.

l Originally Posted by Col. Zodiak
Not likely those words will even be understood until properly conjugated.
Not likely those words will even be understood until properly conjugated. Originally Posted by capitan1962
Well, got to admit that the humor I was wanting to impart on this post seems to have been lost.

I have been spending a lot of time in horizontal language lessons of late.

And I would a whole lot rather spend my time in conjugal activities rather than trying to conjugate.

The Colonel
capitan1962's Avatar
That was not meant to be insulting by any means just acknowledging that us gringos are tagged regardless of where we go.
That was not meant to be insulting by any means just acknowledging that us gringos are tagged regardless of where we go. Originally Posted by capitan1962
My apologizes to you sir. Got to admit that I did not understand your post at the time, but do now.

And you are so right!

But even the miscommunication can make for an interesting evening!

The Colonel
capitan1962's Avatar
Yes I have spent many years working in Mexico and as a gringo you will always carry a big sign. I have spent nights in some crappy hotels (1/2 star) where I was registered as "Gringo" simply because that is what the clerk wrote down.