I am not sure that the home office thinks there is any problem with Upstate!
I got this note from Chica Chaser when I asked if they were paying attention.
"That link was a public view post showing that St.C is aware of a situation and that he is soliciting more information. St.C is also the owner of the site, all staff, 60+ people including myself, report to him. If you have something to say, right there is the invitation and instructions. How could you or anyone else not feel comfortable with that?
When the owner of the entire place and the boss of every staff member is asking for info, who gives a fuck what the mods may or may not think about it? If you guys up there want something to happen you have an open invitation to make your feelings known. Not sure how much more confidence you need here."
Send in your thoughts, Bring Back OSD and let get back to what we are here for!