Obama's War on Doctors

CuteOldGuy's Avatar


MedPAC document. See the October 14, 2011, entry


The net effect will be fewer doctors taking Medicare/Medicaid patients, and fewer qualified people entering the profession.

Those of you who desperately want the government in charge of health care don't understand that the quality of care will go down. It won't be like it is now. We need market reforms to expand coverage, not government.

More like an Obama war on seniors (Medicare) and the poor (Medicaid).
waverunner234's Avatar
I don't like Dick Morris, so I can't sign this petition.

By the way, there is nothing wrong with the salaries of doctors and specialists in Europe.
I have had several docors tell me they are doing one of two things in relation to healthcare laws and insurance.

1. Refuse to see Medicaid/Medicare patients

2. Dropping their small practices with small overhead to go to work for large corporations who have enough clout with insurance companies to command higher rates of pay, the little doc from our grandparents days cannot make it any longer.

Tactic 2 is going to also cause there to be a greater shortage of docs in rural areas where the big corporations don't bother to serve the needs.

The old and frail will not have to worry about medical care. Under Obama care, medical access will be so limited they will just die, thus resulting in a reduction of overall healthcare cost in the US.
The hospitals are becoming the 900 pound gorilla with respect to physican employment...the small practice indepedent doctor's clinic is a failing business model.
IMO it was criminal how Obama and the Democrats knowingly lied about Obamacare...lied about the costs and coverage.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
By the way, there is nothing wrong with the salaries of doctors and specialists in Europe. Originally Posted by waverunner234
What the salaries in Europe? What are their tort policies? Where do find how satisfied the doctors are? Please include a cite. Thank you.

I have had several doctors tell me they are doing one of two things in relation to healthcare laws and insurance.

1. Refuse to see Medicaid/Medicare patients Originally Posted by tigercat
I am hearing the same from doctors, their spouses and their admins. BHO also wants to raise taxes on people who earn > 250K a day. Guess who that's targeting?

The old and frail will not have to worry about medical care. Under Obama care, medical access will be so limited they will just die, thus resulting in a reduction of overall healthcare cost in the US. Originally Posted by tigercat
And fulfilling his promise of "shovel ready jobs."
And nary a word from the lawyers in DC about the high cost of legal fees and regulating how much lawyers can charge.
Bobster36's Avatar
Texas implemented tort reform a few years ago. The docs didn't reduce their rates or change how they practice. Those that benefited (OB's, etc.) are simply taking home a bit more $$. Their malpractice rates have dropped somewhat but defensive medicine is still widely practiced. Doc's don't like getting sued. Doesn't matter if the damages are capped. Lawyers are a small problem. The real problem is a) defensive medicine and b) the high cost of medical school education and the oversupply of specialists as a result. No country has taxes as low as ours. (considering all taxes, income, property, sales, etc.)

waverunner234's Avatar
What the salaries in Europe? What are their tort policies? Where do find how satisfied the doctors are? Please include a cite. Thank you.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm too lazy to find a "cite"
And tort reform? Not necessary
European people are not as greedy as US people.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If I am not mistaken didn't AARP and the AMA support Obamacare????
waverunner234's Avatar
I hear a lot of people jell: repeal ObamaCare.
The chances that it will never be repealed are over 50% I believe. (I still think that GOP has no-one to effectively win the race against Obama.)
So why don't I hear more voices from people who just want to take bad things out of this law and repair it so that it is cheaper or makes more sense?
Just take one problem at the time.

No one can tell me that universal health care in US is impossible. Why can other countries do it? And US can't?
It is easy for someone who has current good health care to say: repeal ObamaCare.
As easy as it is to hear from Herman Cain: "I would not have lived today with ObamaCare".
Maybe he doesn't want to think about the thousands of people who are now dead, but would have lived today with ObamaCare?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I hear a lot of people jell: repeal ObamaCare.
The chances that it will never be repealed are over 50% I believe. (I still think that GOP has no-one to effectively win the race against Obama.)
So why don't I hear more voices from people who just want to take bad things out of this law and repair it so that it is cheaper or makes more sense?
Just take one problem at the time.

No one can tell me that universal health care in US is impossible. Why can other countries do it? And US can't?
It is easy for someone who has current good health care to say: repeal ObamaCare.
As easy as it is to hear from Herman Cain: "I would not have lived today with ObamaCare".
Maybe he doesn't want to think about the thousands of people who are now dead, but would have lived today with ObamaCare?
Originally Posted by waverunner234
Waverunner I totally agree- what was the GOP's plan- scrap it and start over- don't think so- I do agree that Obamacare isn't perfect- far from it- but it's better than the status quo- just as Obama stated and he even admitted everything wasn't great- but why not keep the good and take out the bad? Also Cain is freaking liar- cain is a millionaire so he would have still been able to get the best insurance he could find- Obamacare doesn't force you to a specific healthcare plan so Cain was telling a boldface lie. I really giggle when I hear Romney say on day 1 he would repeal Obamacare if that's not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is- For Romney to criticize Obamacare or talk about repealing it on day 1 has as much credibility or would make as much sense as Herman Cain saying if he gets elected he would bring back to slavery.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm too lazy to find a "cite"
And tort reform? Not necessary
European people are not as greedy as US people. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Then it's really a guess, then, isn't it? As are your other two statements.

No problem, but I disagree. I think you're wrong.