Some girls need a lesson on pricing.... THE RESULTS!

The results surprised me, will they surprise you?
Threads about price vs. quantity vs. quality are common place on the board. In December, one was posted by a hobbyist and he got the typical thrashing by the ladies. I'm a firm believer in giving people the benefit of the doubt and giving them the opportunity to show that they are right so I contacted the OP and we set up an experiment.

I am a low volume provider, but decided to forgo that for a week to see how many appointments a "typical" provider might get in a week. In the past I have been pretty inconsistent with my advertising, but for the 2 week experiment I decided to advertise like the "typical" full time provider. Both weeks I offered 9am-3pm availability. The first week I went outside of that availability twice. The second week, I went outside of that availability 4 times.
Each week's experiment and results are listed below. I am a fetish provider but only recently have advertised that on eccie & p411. I use other means to advertise that so if they were not an eccie or p411 member, I did not include them in either week's results; however, I made sure that non-eccie or non-411 clients did not interfere in any way with the experiment. I did this by offering them other available times or by letting them know I would have to cancel if I had a "vanilla" appointment come up. I had one additional non-board member fetish appointments the first week and two the second week.

Week 1: Regular advertising&pricing, but did not deny any appointments that passed screening. Usually I have a 1 per day, 3 per week limit with very few exceptions. I pay 50 in rent per appointment at my incall regardless of session length. Here is an honest breakdown of my week 1 result.

Results: 6 one hr appts at 200; 1 two hr apt at 300; 1 doubles appt at 150 (my cut) plus the following in tips: 50, 20, 75. Six of the appts were gentleman I had seen before, two were new to me.

Out of 8 appts, 2 were FS, others were not bc the client only wanted other services or we just never got that far I paid 300 (did not have to pay rent on doubles or 1 outcall) in rent (50x6)

Calculation Breakdown= (6x200)+300+150+(50+20+75)=$17 95-300=$1595

Tiredness level: I felt ready and refreshed for all appointments. Three of the appointments went slightly over but that was no worry for me and I was happy to spend the extra time with them recovering

Experience with clients: All gentlemen. Followed screening rules and were respectful. Every appointment arrived on time.

Week 2: Menu style pricing; 140/fs hr; 100/fs hh; 80/massage w/ he hr; 60/massage w/ he hh. Here is an honest breakdown of my week 1 result.

Results: Five 1 hr FS appts at 140; One 1 hr FS at 120; Three doubles appts at the following rates: 100; 140; 400 (my cut). The 3rd doubles appointment was prearranged weeks in advance. Tips included 20 & 100.
Out of 9 appts, 5 were existing clients that wisely took me up on my special pricing though it's likely they would have seen me at the regular rate this week. I paid rent on 7 appointments (50x7=350). I did not get any requests for massage appointments. Also, the 100 double was another provider's client. He was not seeking a doubles, but we talked him into a deal that he could not pass up. Three appointments went over, one by my choice (hh turned into a 1h 15mins at no xtra charge) and the other two were by their choice but no extra compensation - 20 mins & 30 mins.

Calculation Breakdown= (5x140)+120+100+140+400+(20+10 0)=$1580-350=$1230 BUT...Without the prearranged doubles at 400; My results would have been $830

Daily experience: Tuesday was a VERY heavy day for me for appointments, Wednesday there was only 1 hh appointment but was the heaviest email day by FAR.

Email/pm experience: 3 messages requesting greek at special price (one was misunderstanding of services, one stated my special was too high unless I offered greek - he wanted hh massage w/ greek for 60! (I won't post handle, but he's a pretty active member on board), one stated that if greek was not on FS menu then no appt). The rest of the messages were pretty much a blur. Even going back and trying to filter through them for anything that stood out was overwhelming in seeing how many emails went back and forth in 5 days. Most questions were relating to specific services and if that could fall under the massage with HE appointment or if I offered it. Exchanging information about specific services is the most uncomfortable thing for me in the hobby; however, this week was a necessity. I know there were quite a few emails/questions that went unanswered this week. I apologize if this happened to anyone reading this, but at least now you can understand why. This was especially true of emails or pms that were 1) sent with "call me & their number" (a large # of those but I still tried to respond to as many as I could asking them to send refs) or 2) if someone emailed back and forth quite a few dozen times without confirming an appointment time or 3) if they did not send references within the first few emails. At the end of the week I counted how many email requests (not including phone, text, or pms) that requested a lower rate than my special. This totaled 27.

Tiredness level: The main issue with tiredness this week was handling the huge increase in emails; pms; and calls. I probably would have been more exhausted on Tuesday but the 2 doubles kept my interest. OMG

Experience with clients: This was probably one of the most eye opening weeks of my life. I had 4 NCNS in one week. Before moving to SA, I had 2 NCNS in 3 years in the hobby. In SA, I typically have about 1 every other week, but 4 was a hard # to handle. There is no way I could count or keep up with the number of "potential appointments" that never booked after screening. By the end of the week I ended up having to "double book" appointments because it was almost guaranteed that at least one would not show up. I provide my phone # after screening and this seemed to be a point of frustration for many guys this week, an issue I've never had before. Probably 90% of the appointment requests were done via email. This was something that was very surprising to me. It was surprising because 1) I'm used to first contact by pm and 2) it was actually well appreciated this week due to the large volume of requests - signing into the board would waste valuable seconds. I also followed this by sending out most of my reference requests via email, phone call or text, which is not typical of me, but I needed fast replies. This week, last minute appointments seemed to be the norm, guys wanting to see me within 15 mins to 2 hours; however, screening is nearly impossible for that time frame so while I made every effort to screen them, but those appointments rarely came to fruition. For those that did get my phone # after screening, I got a lot of "what are you doing" calls/messages. Those are guys that called or emailed just about every day to check on my availability in case they had some free time, but out of the 7 guys that fell under that category, only 1 finally booked.

I understand that there are probably limitations to this experience. Those might be:

1) I am newer to the area which might work for or against me
2) I do not advertise my phone # and don't give it out until after screening
3) I pay rent by appointment instead of renting a hotel, etc; however, I would have had to rent a hotel Sunday night through Saturday morning. At about $80/night including taxes.. that would have been a higher expenditure
4) I did not include gas, babysitter costs, or "cost of materials"; however, they would have been pretty even for both weeks.
5) Perhaps the length of the experiment is also a limitation; however, I'm glad I only set it at one week because I'd probably go nuts with all the emails, etc.
6) I had to extend my special through the weekend because after running specials for the week, there was some confusion about what my actual pricing is. I only included results from M-F for both weeks. I think it might take a little while for me to get the confusion settled. Heck I'm still getting requests from the special I offered over Christmas LOL.
The bottom line: Both the OP and I were wrong. He thought lower prices = more business. I thought lower prices = less business. Some providers in the OT thought that lower prices=more business but less quality due to tiredness. The reality is that lower prices = about the same amount of business for a LOT more work, about half the $, and a LOT more rudeness. I believe that lower price gives a perceived lower quality and in my experience during these two weeks, it seems that most gents value quality over price. Week 1: $1595 Week 2: $830

After the 2nd week, I've had to change my phone #. The old number will forward for a bit but if YOU HAVE SEEN ME BCD, then PM me and I will give you my new #.
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 01-31-2012, 03:51 PM
Interesting experiment. I think you're right on the button though with lower price gives a percieved conception. Right now the norm is $$/hr and +-$60 for hhr, which pretty much percieves you get good service and YMMV depending on the lady and how you and her hit it off. Good experiment though, thanks for sharing your results ATD (Julz).
I applaud you! Thank you for doing this to show the difference! You're awesome!
Mossman's Avatar
Well there you have it! All ladies should raise their price, do less work, see fewer men, make more money and live happily ever after. Really!
  • Laz
  • 01-31-2012, 04:38 PM
Interesting experiment. While I might not have expected the results you got they are not surprising. Just goes to prove that there are many variables that impact the most effective price level and price is just one of them.
FootLong's Avatar
I think it is great that you did this experiment, atxdream. However, as you noted there are limitations, and your conclusion with regard to price/business is not necessarily true for all providers. Price is but one consideration, some other important ones are looks, menu, reputation, attitude, location, hours of availability...While there is limited control over "looks", any and all other factors (and even 'looks' to some degree) could be adjusted by a provider who seeks to earn more. Maybe they will fare the same as in your experiment - but maybe not.

For you, however, it seems the experiment confirms that your original business model suits your sensibilities, style, and financial needs. That has to feel pretty good.
foxyred73's Avatar
I have been there where you are in the hobby world and i am happy handle my own my own business by self than someone else doing things for me.
I think it is great that you did this experiment, atxdream. However, as you noted there are limitations, and your conclusion with regard to price/business is not necessarily true for all providers. Price is but one consideration, some other important ones are looks, menu, reputation, attitude, location, hours of availability...While there is limited control over "looks", any and all other factors (and even 'looks' to some degree) could be adjusted by a provider who seeks to earn more. Maybe they will fare the same as in your experiment - but maybe not.

For you, however, it seems the experiment confirms that your original business model suits your sensibilities, style, and financial needs. That has to feel pretty good. Originally Posted by FootLong
I definitely appreciate your comments. Fortunately, I am in a position that hobby money is fun money. I can't imagine the stress that some ladies go through that depend on it to pay bills. I am one that admittedly would not be able to handle high volume hobbying and keep the same quality. To keep me motivated during the experiment, I committed in advance to donate anything I made during the 2nd week to charity; however, I decided that Week 1 would be a better donation.

My biggest concern was the few guys that asked me last week if I was dropping my rates in response to the "pricing war" or the "hobby boycott of providers". I am new to SA and thought I was missing something and fully expected to hear that providers were dropping rates to compete against each other. Instead, I was told that there are a group of hobbyist that are banding together to drive pricing down. This might explain the 27 emails I got asking for even lower pricing than my special. I haven't seen anything on the boards about this so maybe this is just a small group attempting this; however, if you ask a 200/hr lady who is running a special for 140/hr to instead see you for 100/hr, I can't imagine very many ladies would provide the same quality of service. However, I could be wrong.

There are so many variables in this. I guess I thought I would get more requests for massage w/ HE but got none (perhaps this isn't the right audience for that). I was also very saddened by the way I was treated via email, text, and phone. I may be a provider, but I am also a lady. Even when treated hatefully, I always responded in a manner that was respectful. If anyone feels differently they have my full permission to post otherwise.

There are posts in many cities and it has been made well known to me the past 3 years that I've hobbied in SA (mostly UTR) about how the ladies are treated and "beaten down on pricing" (not my words). I never really experienced this until last week. But ladies should take comfort that of all the gents that tried to "beat me down on pricing", none of them actually booked an appointment. I've found that there are a LOT of 'haters' in SA, BUT the TRUE hobbyists are wonderful gentlemen who typically know how to treat a lady.

Perhaps it's none of my business, but if I were a hobbyist in SA, I would definitely focus on helping the ladies keep the 'haters' at bay. My opinion is that it will reduce the... hmmmm... I'm not sure what word to use that won't offend the providers, but I guess "defensiveness" is the best I can do. There are a few professions that I like to keep VERY happy.... my doctor/surgeon; my tattoo artist; my child's teachers; and my hair stylist.
Perhaps if I was a hobbyist, I would want to make the lady with her mouth on my d**k happy as well. When I was in Austin, hearing that I was an "Austin Adorable" every day on the board made me feel adorable, playful, and sexy. Last week, hearing that I was a n*sty wh*r* or a dig*st**g c**t because I wouldn't give them another 20 off, made me feel as such. I've got pretty thick skin and luckily there were enough amazing gentlemen to counter that, but perhaps if I heard that longer than a week, I might start to believe it and get a little "defensive" as well. I love the SA ladies and gents. I love that the boards provide a forum for us all to find better ways to work together. I wanted to do this experiment to contribute to the discussion and discover for myself what works. Other ladies may have different experiences and I welcome them to share them. Any one that knows me knows that I am always willing to listen, take advice, and try new things. Even if I don't agree, I will always be willing to try to give someone the opportunity to be right (except with greek lol).
Atx...kudos for your fantasy experiment. I found your idea interesting...and, always your choice to do as you will. I still stand on my original opinion...sorry hon! (lol)

I wouldn't waste a minute of my time trying to *prove* what is MY CHOICE, to begin with! His bottom line is...lower rates, see more clients, and make more money. Well,'s just not that simple.
Wow. I am a gasp knowing that you were insulted for a mere .20.

Classy guys. Very classy.
foxyred73's Avatar
both jj and likinki......well said both of you on your statement
Doglegg's Avatar
Bill, ok, Texas Dream, I'm very glad that you sought to experiment and find out for yourself what works and doesn't work for you.

I've often thought that lowering prices (not necessarily specials) but lowering prices on a continuous basis, lowers the type of customer received, the valuation of self-worth (as you stated, continuous degradation will or could cause a person to question if the person(s) performing the degradation are right), and eventually plateau where the provider practically cannot 'give' it away.

I am all in favor of a business model where fair market value is established by the merchant, and the customer base will shop where the best value for product is established.

Merchants establish fair market value, customers establish perceived best value, commerce is established where the two intersect.

Your beautiful heart is personified by your generosity to charity.

I ask that you re-check your math- $1795 - 300 does not equal $1595.

I do have two regrets, one that I did not see your special rate, and two, that you had to change your number due to harassing/haranguing calls and text.

Please PM your new number.

Precious_b's Avatar
Hearing your conclusion really makes me feel bad for the way certain Hobbyist treat the women here with good reputations.

Your words were a real eye opener for me on how things are on your end.
You are amazing. I truly was schooled. In a very good way. Super grateful.