Another new Oklahoma Law - Upload Picture ID to view Porn

CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Yup, another new state bill out there. The big sites are just blocking Oklahoma IP addresses.

Like these kids dont know enough to use a VPN to change their location.
averageguy12367's Avatar
Texas did it too. Is this why Oklahoma is not on this site anymore?
ben dover's Avatar
Texas did it too. Is this why Oklahoma is not on this site anymore? Originally Posted by averageguy12367
Yeah they passed some new law so...

You can find limited info for OK in the Connecticut forum.
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Nope OK was removed a long time ago for the law that passed making reviews a felony. You can Staff Edit - Biomed1 in OK since you can get a license from any online dr, but don't try to have or talk about sex.
This cracks me up. The same people they are trying to stop are tech savy enough to borrow mom's license out of her purse long enough to take a picture and use that as "verification".
Texxan52's Avatar
Texas did it too. Is this why Oklahoma is not on this site anymore? Originally Posted by averageguy12367
Were those republicans or democrats that passed these laws taking away our freedom?
Republicans, it's Oklahoma
Same in Texas, the AG can cheat on his wife and the rest of us have to pay by not watching porn without a picture ID.
winn dixie's Avatar
These laws and nuisances brought to you by the far right
Oklahoma and Texas have been hit hard with these laws
Thank you, I spend 4 months of the year in Oklahoma
That's why Oklahoma has moved to Connecticut...just sayin'...
Ripmany's Avatar
How would control this when most sites see my Ip address at Texes and can't locate my phone.