Austrian jumps from Stratosphere :) PR movie (Test Jump) (live)

Yay , Felix Baumgartner did it )

"ROSWELL, N.M. — Felix Baumgartner, the professional daredevil, jumped from a balloon more than 24 miles above the Earth on Sunday, and landed safely on his feet.

A helium-filled balloon, the largest ever used for a manned flight, lifted the capsule into the air. More Photos »
Just minutes earlier, Mr. Baumgartner stood on the edge of his capsule completing a final checklist before jumping into a near vacuum at above 127,000 feet, or more than 24 miles. He later landed in the eastern New Mexico desert minutes, lifting his arms in victory.

Mr. Baumgartner took 2 hours 21 minutes to reach the height, lifting off in an enormous helium balloon that smoothly carried him through the critical first 4,000 feet — called the Dead Zone because it would be impossible to parachute to safety.

From the distance above the New Mexico desert — he hoped to make the highest jump in history and become the first sky diver to break the speed of sound. Before than jump, Mr. Baumgartner went through a checklist with help from Joe Kittinger, 84, the retired Air Force colonel who in 1960 jumped from 102,800 feet, setting records that remained more than half a century later — and that Mr. Baumgartner was hoping to break"
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Someone (provider) give that man a BBBJ.
600 mph did he have a heat shield?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
This guy really has brass balls to pull this off!

Regular skydiving can be exhilarating when it goes right, but bone breaking when it doesn't.

. . . I doubt they would have even found his bones if this awesome jump had gone wrong!

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-14-2012, 05:28 PM
600 mph did he have a heat shield? Originally Posted by ekim008
At the altitude where he reached supersonic speed the air was still way to thin to cause enough friction to generate that kind of heat. Space capsules and the Space Shuttle need to be shielded from the heat because they are entering the atmosphere at a much higher rate of speed.

That had to have been one hell of a ride. The video was breathtaking.
600 mph did he have a heat shield? Originally Posted by ekim008

cuse me 800 mph
All I can say is:

pyramider's Avatar
Fucking illegal aliens ...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You're off balance . . . . again, pyramid.

. . . But, hey what is new?
KenMonk's Avatar
Fucking illegal aliens ... Originally Posted by pyramider
Awesome achievement!

And it was all financed with private money too, No taxpayers money.
Here are "10 Little-Known Facts About the Freefall Jump" from Flying Magazine:
pyramider's Avatar
Anyone else curious if the had a 800 mph poop stain in his suit?