No Bibles Allowed

- KING OBAMA EDICT (Unbelievable)~

To: I'm sorry, but for those of you who like Obama, this is just going way toooooo

Who in America , or their right mind, would vote for Obama after
they read this?

Obama must really want to be a one term president! The soldiers who
wake up inWalter Reed Medical Center are in Maryland , not communist China . But,under

the Navy's new rules, they may not know the difference!

After months of peeling away the military's core values, Obama's army is on the
move. And this time, it has a high-value target: the Bible.

In a memo obtained by FRC, Navy officials have announced that "no religious items (including
Bibles, reading material, and/or artifacts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit." The new orders are buried in a
four-page document about patient care
, which an Army officer forwarded to us in disbelief!

Effective immediately, families, friends, and even pastors will have to check their beliefs at the door to visit one of the largest
military hospitals in the United States Last night, after we circulated the memo to leaders on the Hill, an outraged Rep. Steve King

(R-Iowa)to to the House floor and blasted the obama policy!

"Mr. Speaker, these military men and women who are recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda have given their all
for America !
They've defended and taken an oath to the Constitution, and here they are. The people who
come to visit them can't bring a religious artifact? They can't bring a Bible? ... A priest can't walk in with the Eucharist and offer communion to a patient who might be on their deathbed because it's prohibited in this memo from the Department of the Navy?"

This is Obama's military, where homosexuality is celebrated and Christianity is censored; where witches are financed and crosses are scorned; where bestiality is embracedand Bibles are banned; where same-sex "weddings" are
but international charity is not! After three years of ideological warfare, the
Obama administration's intent is
: to disarm the military of its biggest weapon…..FAITH. Regardless of Obama's agenda, there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that empowers the government to stop family members from giving Bibles or crosses to their loved ones! And
from a PR standpoint, I'm not sure the best way to boost approval ratings is by
denying comfort to wounded warriors!Unfortunately
for our troops,
who have endured so much turmoil under the Obama administration, this is another blow!
Hopefully, with the help of Congressman King and others, it's only a temporary one.

liberal Snopes says it’s true:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I can think of many reasons to not vote for Romney, but I can't think of ONE SINGLE REASON to vote for Obama. This is outrageous.

C'mon, libs. Defend your man on this one. You're willing to let Christians die in your wars, why can't they have a Bible during their recovery?
I don't think they can COG. My sister sent me that through my email. She's rather knowledgeable about political issues much more than I am. We were born Catholic, I know that if I was in a hospital recovering from a war injury she would be inclined to bring or send me religious material of our Catholic faith to console and inspire me during my recovery. If she was prevented from doing so because of a ridiculous law in place it would be very unsettling to her. Iam sure thats why she sent it. I thought it would be appropiate to post it here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This "law" as you and Snopes put it, was penned and pushed by the fag-loving Muslim President? Oh, that's right, it's HIS Navy! HIS sailors!

Wrong again Officer Dipshit !
This "law" as you and Snopes put it, was penned and pushed by the fag-loving Muslim President? Oh, that's right, it's HIS Navy! HIS sailors!

YOU ARE FUCKING IDIOTS! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I didn't write this thing dude. I only posted it. Don't blame it on Georgie Porgy Bush either. Through out history injured soldiers have never been restricted from recieving religious material from family, priest or pastors, but now on Obama's watch they are. I would say thats impeding upon their religious freedoms.
TexTushHog's Avatar
You lied. Snopes said the rule was reminded. Furthermore, it was designed to keep proselytizers from bothering patients from being harassed once they had declared a religious preference, not to keep Bibles away from those who were relifeous. Much ado about nothing. Sick soldiers can now be endlessly harassed by Bible thumpers, so all is well.
thank God we are saved...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wrong again Officer Dipshit ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Apparently not, dildo.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
TTH, the rule was "reminded"? Had they forgotten?
You ASSUME the rule is LAW and then scold TTH for a typo? You really are the board's biggest No-Life Loser, COF!

And acpWipe thinks everything he gets in an email is true.

Besides all that, when did Obama start writing all the U.S. Navy's regulations?

waverunner234's Avatar
Anyone who reads a bible and believes the shit the bible tells you should stay far away from
waverunner234's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar Originally Posted by waverunner234
Now, honestly, Wave. How can you watch that and not believe in god? That is a heavenly body if I've ever seen one!
waverunner234's Avatar
Now, honestly, Wave. How can you watch that and not believe in god? That is a heavenly body if I've ever seen one! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I didn't say I don't believe in God. I just don't believe in those fairy tales in the bible.
Those are hand written, a 1000 times over and over again. How can anyone believe in that?

I'd like to see Jesus in court, and under oath tell us how he made wine out of water.
Christ I would start a liquor store tomorrow if I could do that.