To review or not to review

I’m new to this community but see the benefits of being here. How many of you guys will be writing reviews after sept 1?
I’m pretty much done after that. So I’m going to use as much expendable income as I can this month. Hey, only 9 days until my monthly stimulus shows up!

Stimulus for stimulus. I like that.
Indoor dining without a mask at the “Y” perhaps ?
Short answer: I don't think writing reviews is going to get you busted, but that's my opinion, not advice.
Keep Calm and Carry On!
Aren't all our reviews made up anyways? Fantasy stories?
Aren't all our reviews made up anyways? Fantasy stories? Originally Posted by Killrus

You're almost there.
Yeah the more of yall that stay home the hungrier these girls will be for my meat because I'm still going. Can't let a communist government tell you what to do in your spare time as a free citizen. Sheeesh can't wait, no more interruptions during my rubbing lol
More power to ya man! Maybe they will start asking y'all for your numbers due to lower intake.