NC/NS by Fiona the One

Before we start the "who are you, you have no reviews, you've only been a member for X long" schoolyard urinating match, I've been around since early ASPD days. The first provider I saw in S.A. was Morgan Jayde, she was also the first provider I spent a whole day with. The second provider I saw in the area was Megan Paige - I was staying at the Y.O. Ranch Hotel in Kerrville, on her way out to our extended appointment, her car broke down, so she hitched a ride back to her place, borrowed her girlfriend's car, and drove out. Needless to say, she was more than a little late, but she more than made up for it...

Which is quite a contrast to the complete lack of TCB skills younger providers have now. Yes, I understand that your phone blows up every time you post an ad. That's why you have multiple email addresses and multiple burner phone numbers, so that you can give the serious repeat customers the "priority" contact info.

Anyway, I reached out to Fiona early last week after seeing that she had returned to the area from Colorado or Killeen or wherever, and we had a good chat. I saw her last year shortly after she moved to the area (that's a whole 'nother story that I won't go into) so it's not like I'm a new client that needed screening. I told her that I might be available for a mid afternooon Saturday multi hour appointment.

Mid week it looked like my work schedule was changing, so I let her know that I may have to cancel or postpone Saturday, but I would know for sure Friday morning.

Friday morning I let her know I was good to go, she confirmed that she would be available in the airport area Saturday afternoon at 3:30 PM. At about 8:00 PM Friday I received a text from her, saying, "See you tomorrow."

Saturday comes and I run my errands and business in the morning and at about 1:15 PM I text her and say that I'm looking forward to seeing her again and where are we meeting? No answer. I call her at about 2:00 PM and she doesn't answer and her voice mail box is full. I call her again at about 3:10 PM (keep in mind that our appointment is scheduled to start at 3:30 PM) and it rolls right to her full voice mail box, so the phone was off.

Now this isn't my first rodeo, so it doesn't matter to me that because of the uncertain nature of my schedule when I told her mid week that I might have to cancel or postpone if she filled her day with other appointments, but why not just tell me? I can take "Sweetie, I scheduled with another client." just fine. But the NC/NS for more than 24 hours after the scheduled (and confirmed the night before) appointment is just plain rude and bad business.

Well, thanks for reading my rant, and Morgan Jayde and Megan Paige, wherever you are, I hope you ladies are doing well, and if you're ever in S.A. again, look me up, I'll know you will be there!

Anon out.
Precious_b's Avatar
In all these years of Hobbying, were there any others that NCNS on you?
Pretty impressive record if not.
In all these years of Hobbying, were there any others that NCNS on you?
Pretty impressive record if not. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Pb, not directed towards Fiona, but posts like yours are the reason why gals are not held more frequently accountable for poor TCB.

At least, he posted it here where she can take the opportunity to say something productive and change the perception towards her in this situation.

Timewasters are infuriating, both from the provider and hobbyists sides.
Precious_b's Avatar
My post is referencing the previous posting history of the OP and making a query and comment on it.

I am not denying the OP credentials. I am not stating he is lying. He definitely is not vicious in his description of the encounter. I applaud the way he presented his point of view. And he even waited a day before posting

But going on the previous open post he has on this site, and if no one else has NCNS him in his Hobby experience (he has not stated it), I will remark again, he has an impressive record of successful encounters.

Ms. Fox, if I might ask for your help in being a better Hobbyist. What exactly was it in my post that merits "... ,but posts like yours are the reason why gals are not held more frequently accountable for poor TCB. " statement?

I have a feeling this will end to both the OP and subject of the thread satisfaction.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-03-2016, 05:37 PM
Ms. Fox, if I might ask for your help in being a better Hobbyist. What exactly was it in my post that merits "... ,but posts like yours are the reason why gals are not held more frequently accountable for poor TCB. " statement? Originally Posted by Precious_b
That is a topic for another thread. Let's keep this thread on the topic of this particular NCNS.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
The "He said" sounds reasonable enough. Doesn't that usually mean a little extra hot sauce on the "She said" portion of the thread?

Color me a glass half full guy.
I should have scheduled at the end of the month before the rent is due, not after the first of the month when the rent's already paid - silly me!
Well, I have a date for Wednesday, so we'll see...
Samcro84's Avatar
Whole lot of story for NCNS, causes me to wonder what her story will be

flinde's Avatar
Fuck I hate these threads. Guys we are hiring the hos to blow us, its not the prom. If one ho goes missing, just find another one.

Or, have a backup cum dump. I been preaching the backup cum dump for years. Doesnt anyone listen?

Doh! If the hos were any good with calendering, quite a few would not be in the ho business.

Personally, I have found over the decades that often the worst gals at tcb are the best lays.
Flinde, I couldn't agree more with what you are saying, although I would state it differently. When it became obvious that Choice 1 was going to pull a NC/NS on me, I called another provider who I've had my eye on for some time. Despite the fact that she was out of town with her family, she vetted me in less than an hour and a half.

Appointment scheduled for tomorrow. If this lady's BCD skills match her TCB skills, you may reading in the Obits Column that some old geezer was found dead in a hotel room with a smile the undertaker couldn't get off his face....

OY, best of luck. I'm not wasting any more time on this one. Yes, she's young. Yes, she's hot. Yes, she has skills. No, she's not worth the trouble. May your experience be better than mine!

Anon out.
Samcro, apparently she was in Waco or heading to Waco:

Old Yeller, I hope you have a hotel room booked in Waco!

Enough on this. Anon out.
Pb, not directed towards Fiona, but posts like yours are the reason why gals are not held more frequently accountable for poor TCB.

At least, he posted it here where she can take the opportunity to say something productive and change the perception towards her in this situation.

Timewasters are infuriating, both from the provider and hobbyists sides. Originally Posted by Camille Fox
Tap... Tap...Tap...
I completely agree with you about this. If I plan to see a lady it's because I want to see her and have the time to do so. For me, those times are few and far between. I get furious when I see such a double standard saying just find someone else. I feel my time and my money is just as valuable as the next. Giving a pass just exudes the lack of accountability and a poor "business" model for the lady. I stay pretty UTR for that reason and see a select few when time permits. I just smh at some of the nonsense that I see. <drops the mic>
I'm one of these guys who select ladies very carefully and decide who best suits my needs of the moment, then pursue her and only her. I schedule early, and like to have a flirty exchange before the date. Leading up to the date, I drool over her pictures and read every review on her. I can only hobby at one specific time of the week.

A NC/NS really pisses me off. A week wasted, a perfectly good excuse wasted, and I don't get to see the girl I've been falling in lust with. If you actually go to the incall and there's no answer, then many of us will also have wasted a blue pill.

I don't want to go to Plan B. I want Plan A to work, damn it! That's what I signed up for and got my money together for.
OK, this is 36 hours after our "date" was scheduled, and crickets.

I heard through the grapevine that her kid is sick. OK, I want her taking care of the kid and not humping OY, but...

IF you have an appointment scheduled and you're not going to be able to make it, just let the other person know! Just takes a few seconds!