How's that "Hope and change" working for ya? We're definitely changing from a Republic/Democracy, to an "Ineptocracy."

ThrillBill88's Avatar
Ineptocracy (in-ept-o-cra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
It would be interesting to see what the political makeup of the board is. I, for one, am voting for Ron Paul, regardless of whether he runs as an Independent or Republican. Without getting into heated political debate, I would be interested in whom everyone favors. I would imagine the starter of this thread would be with me.
I like Ron Paul too!!

I really hope within 20 years we will have 3 parties maybe 4,
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Texas is a Republican state, last I checked, but Austin is somewhat of an anomaly, so I'm not sure what the divide would be. As I've stated before, there is so much BCD deals going on in politics that you never really know if the candidate your supporting is really what he/she seems to be.

I don't care if they're Republican, Democrat, Independent or other... they all make promises they can't keep, they all flip flop (which isn't always a bad thing) and they all become subject to forces other than "the people". Voting has become less about evaluating data, and more about gut feeling.

That's just my view on it, though.
Phat3lvis's Avatar
The only difference between a Democrat and a Republican are the lies they tell as they pander to their perceived constituency.

BCD they are all the same, liars, cheats, thieves and power junkies, telling us to do as they say not as they do.
  • Sabor
  • 01-09-2012, 04:18 PM
That hope and change is working just fine. Mid 50's and will very soon jump into retirement, self employed. Money can be made in any economy and I believe this country barely avoided a depression with Obama at the helm, no thanks to a stagnant congress.

All time favorite politician that I got vote for - Barry Goldwater as a senator and as a presidential candidate, always said what he believed, his "60 Minutes" interview was a classic.

Biggest problem with today's politicians - closed minded, poll driven, and obsessed with reelection.