this may have already been discussed but..

Im too fuckin lazy to go back and check all the old threADS..

wouldnt surprise me in the least
Ii really doubt the locals will let someone else count the votes,as it is done on a local level,but anyone probably do a better job than Florida.
joe bloe's Avatar
Bush won. Get over it. Democrats accusing Bush of winning by voter fraud is projection. Democrats have been stealing elections with voter fraud for decades. It's a way of life. The only reason Democrats get better voter turnout than Republicans is by voter fraud; dead people voting, illegal aliens, felons, people who have moved out of their district, etc. Democrats systematically steal elections.

We conservatives are in a fight with an opponent that doesn't play by the rules. Unfortunately for conservatives, main stream media doesn't think Democrat voter fraud is even a story.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is leading to high tech voter fraud. Reminds of an old Soviet Union joke. A Russian walks into a voting place and is handed a sealed ballot and told to place it in the box. He starts to open the ballot and is stopped by the election official. "No comrade, do not open the envelope. Is secret ballot."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, I am going to vote as many times as I can in as many places as I can until they catch me.....ha ha ha ha...... I dont need no stinkin ID
Ive always thought those new york snow bird jews who swing from new york to florida and back....were a hot bed of voter in both new york and florida..but thats just me
Bush won. Get over it. Democrats accusing Bush of winning by voter fraud is projection. Democrats have been stealing elections with voter fraud for decades. It's a way of life. The only reason Democrats get better voter turnout than Republicans is by voter fraud; dead people voting, illegal aliens, felons, people who have moved out of their district, etc. Democrats systematically steal elections.

We conservatives are in a fight with an opponent that doesn't play by the rules. Unfortunately for conservatives, main stream media doesn't think Democrat voter fraud is even a story. Originally Posted by joe bloe

everyone needs a edge republicns use redistricting ,my statement was referring to the hanging chad issue .
Guest123018-4's Avatar
And Democrats do not use redistricting.....
And Democrats do not use redistricting..... Originally Posted by The2Dogs

No man voter fraud
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Ive always thought those new york snow bird jews who swing from new york to florida and back....were a hot bed of voter in both new york and florida..but thats just me Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Hahaha I don't know if that's exactly how I would have personally worded it but I've wondered that too. How hard it is to really vote twice? I doubt very in past years. Now things seem to be tightening up a bit, but still.

Voter fraud is a fact of life. Black white purple democrat republican - doesn't matter.

And surprise, for the most part your presidential votes don't matter anyway - or have we all forgotten the Electoral College
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you interview some voters you find that democrats laugh about voter fraud while acknowledging it's existence. Republicans don't think voter fraud is funny (it is stealing from real voters) and know it's real. When you confront the dems about it they suddenly deny it exists.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Duval County TX

f the heavily Hispanic counties in southern Texas, “discovered” 200 allegedly uncounted ballots in Box 13, Alice, Texas. These 200 “voters” cast their ballots 198 to 2 for Johnson, putting him over the top. The election, of course, was stolen: the added 200 names were written in a different colored ink, and Stevenson’s attorneys tracked down the final name on the original voter list, who affirmed that he had voted just as the polls were closing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
As of August 10th, 2011, 113 individuals are now known to have been convicted for voter fraud committed in 2008. We believe this is the highest number of voter fraud convictions obtained in any state for a single election cycle since 1936. In fact, according to a 2006 Justice Department report, there have been more convictions for voter fraud in Minnesota from just the 2008 election than the DOJ was able to prosecute over a five year span, nationwide. . . .

A report produced by Citizens for Election Integrity titled “Facts About Ineligible Voting and Voter Fraud in Minnesota” (November, 2010) included survey data from the county attorneys in Anoka and Dakota Counties that indicated the primary reason suspected ineligible voters were not charged was because the attorneys could not prove these individuals knowingly violated election law. A total of 83% of suspects not charged in Anoka County and 53.5% of suspects not charged in Dakota County fell into this category.

In other words, most of the suspects on Minnesota Majority’s original list did, in fact, vote while ineligible, but the standard for prosecution in Minnesota is “ineligible voter knowingly votes.” If an ineligible voter claims not to have known they were breaking the law, it’s difficult for prosecutors to prove otherwise. In essence, to be convicted of voter fraud, the suspect must generally admit willful, knowing guilt.

Minnesota Majority’s survey of county attorneys revealed an additional 112 suspected ineligible voters who had been charged and were awaiting trial as of August 10th, 2011. Another 73 were reported to be pending charges.

While some ineligible felon voters registered in advance of the election and should have been flagged for challenge, the overwhelming majority who evaded detection used Election Day Registration, which currently has no mechanism to detect or prevent ineligible voters.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hard to get a conviction (or an indictment) for voter fraud because we don't require ID before voting...hey! Do you think that is why democrats don't like voter ID?