Treasures is dead.

I just texted a girl there that I know. She said the place is empty. Let's keep it up and take money somewhere else. I told her I meet her OTC only and she agreed.
MisterMeat's Avatar
If Treasures keeps the new rule in place, they’ll be out of business in six months.
holmes50's Avatar
I text one of my itc players. She said don’t bother coming to the club. She agreed to otc along with dinner. Will be in Htown next week spending my time with a few Indy’s and going to the Ritz.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Not an encounter moved to coed
This is disappointing. They will learn their lesson. Gonna take a lot to get customers back in now.
The local Eccie treasures spokesperson will be here in 3.2.1 to say we are all just fabricating how in trouble that place might be. Too many nice clubs in that immediate radius to make bad decisions like they did. Treasures had a great run though, but you cannot screw over your customers
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^ 3 2 1 huh lol you try to hard

I use to love Treasures that’s a shame
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 10-30-2024, 11:26 PM
New shine profile coming in
To be honest, I used to visit gentlemen’s clubs when I lived in Austin, my go to clubs were The Yellow Rose on N Lamar and The Landing Strip on 183 S near the airport , this was some time ago, my entertainer preference were sexy white girls, they were mostly staffed with em at the YR. I tried a couple clubs here in Houston, mostly disappointed with what I encountered.
Cendell M's Avatar
He’ll be right back, he can’t stay away. I guess he’s rubbing off cause I’m starting to miss the craziness that is SP, go figure, if nothing else it’s entertaining.