Trying to rent a spot paycheck stubs

GlassTableGirl2017's Avatar
Location odessa texas
I NEED a proof of income
And a reference to use so I can rent

I NEED this asap pls email me
AshleySweets's Avatar
Ask one of your reliable clients to be a reference
That’s what I did
ck1942's Avatar
Sometimes, if you scout around, one or more of the apartment rental agencies may be able to assist.

They usually know which complexes will be willing to work with you.

Your "story" should be something like you are now on your own because bf or family kicked you out. You are a student? You are a housekeeper? etc.

If you have the cash to pay up front first and last month rent will definitely get someone's attention.

btw, the agencies do not charge you for the service, they get it from the complexes.

Best of luck in your quest.

Come see us in San Antonio next year, sweetheart.
Gotyour6's Avatar