One Small Victory for Sanity:Court Decision about Escort Board

Iaintliein's Avatar
cumalot's Avatar
Funny how the website in question "Southwest Companions" is 'Not Available'...
They are hinting around that they are going to to try to amend the laws concerning technology and prostitution. I wonder how they're going to read without inhibiting free speech, and other rights that an online presence affords us all. The only thing I see so far is:
*I suspect that the pressure will be on the ladies to be more creative in our marketing.

*They can't tell us that we can't talk about acts with consenting adults.

Anyone else have any idea about the future of adult online networking?

They are hinting around that they are going to to try to amend the laws concerning technology and prostitution. I wonder how they're going to read without inhibiting free speech, and other rights that an online presence affords us all. The only thing I see so far is:
*I suspect that the pressure will be on the ladies to be more creative in our marketing.

*They can't tell us that we can't talk about acts with consenting adults.

Anyone else have any idea about the future of adult online networking?

Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Where there's a will, there's a way in terms of being more creative in marketing. I wish society would find other things to do besides bust escort boards and go after say, dangerous criminals or harmful things rather than things that seem to irk their ideas of narrow-minded morality.
i really dont see what the problem is. when i was dating, i was fucking girls and leaving money for cable bill, cellular bill, groceries, gas, etc..... so why is it any different if she is not my girlfriend but a rentafriend?

i get that they want to stop the trafficking and stuff, but 80% of the business is the grown womans choice.
soxfan's Avatar
+1 window. So dinner and drinks is okay payment but straight cash is bad? Narrow minded people confuse me
Two old Physics Professors. That's some cool shit.
i really dont see what the problem is. when i was dating, i was fucking girls and leaving money for cable bill, cellular bill, groceries, gas, etc..... so why is it any different if she is not my girlfriend but a rentafriend?

i get that they want to stop the trafficking and stuff, but 80% of the business is the grown womans choice. Originally Posted by windowshopper

I AGREE 100% damn percent with this!! The minute you even leave a penny on the damn table suddenly that's prostitution but paying for things and paying for sex 'in other ways' is perfectly okay.

And I also agree that the very vast majority of women are here by their own choice.

We need to grow up as a society morally when it comes to these Victorian values associated with prostitution. In Nevada where I live, not surprisingly, it was perfectly legal everywhere when the miners and mostly men were around, but when the wives and families moved there brothels had to relocate far away and it was once legal to also work from your own home at one time as a prostitute, but now, of course, that's nil.
Two old Physics Professors. That's some cool shit. Originally Posted by Jackie S

They weren't both physics professors.
Feel free to read up on the case and the impact in the old security alerts section. The take away lesson, websites aren't "safe."
DallasRain's Avatar
I used to be a member there about 5 years ago when iI toured NM....I never met the guys,but heard they were cool!

{It was THE board to use in NM at the time!}