Saturday night !

small package's Avatar
What's everyone doing for their Saturday night ?

I'm thinking of having Mexican ..mmmm!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that's great!

. . . Just don't get lost in the guacamole!

pyramider's Avatar
I thinck SP meant having a Mexican.
burkalini's Avatar
I think he meant tango with the taco,bang the burrito,enter the enchilada or maybe he really did mean gangbang the guacamole
<-- Cuban is better, and won't leave you feeling gassy!
I am hitting the sack in a few minutes because Sarah and I are heading down to Kemah tomorrow. It will be a good day.
small package's Avatar
I thinck SP meant having a Mexican. Originally Posted by pyramider
Si seņor !! You havnt been fucked till you've been fucked in Spanish ...holy freaking bajesus The world has been holding out on me!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Having Mexican or doing a Mexican?