
bed0765's Avatar
Any info on Kat? She posted on BP tonight but have not seen her pics before. Let me know. Thanks.

burkalini's Avatar
This is Red and many other names. Stay away
stay far far away my friend. Minnie, Red, Kat or any other so called name this 21 year old that has been that age for the last 3 years advertises as.
Omahan's Avatar
I hate it when they get their pics sideways and are too lazy to rotate them.
  • teqmn
  • 04-17-2011, 09:46 AM
I agree with sideway pics, at least alternate them which way they are turned, my neck is getting sore!
bed0765's Avatar
Thanks for the warning. As they say, "when it it is too good to be true it probably is". It is irritating when the photos are really blurry too as well as being posted sideways.