This Mid-term election matters...out with the reptards

rmg_35's Avatar
Want to know why this election matters SO MUCH?

Let's take a step back, and review what's happened in recent months:

- trump steals nation's secrets, lies about it to FBI. Historic security breach.

- trump’s CFO pleads guilty to 15 felonies.

- trump takes the fifth 440 times in an investigation into his crooked finances.

- Jan 6th investigations establish Trump led a massive illegal conspiracy, involving hundreds of GOP officials incl Sens Graham and Johnson, which sought to overturn an American election and unleashed a violent attack on Congress as part of its strategy.

- The trump family took $2b from the Saudi government, and launched a new business venture with them here in the US.

- The Supreme Court goes on an extremist field day, ending Roe, legalizing coercive prayer, weakening common sense guns laws.

- States pass medieval abortion restrictions, creating a public health crisis in the United States.

- A leading Republican organization brings Putin's closest ally in Europe, Hungary's Orban, to US while we are fighting Putin in Ukraine.

- More mass shootings.

- Election deniers have won GOP primaries across the country. Some of them will get elected this fall.

- Liz Cheney lost her primary to an absolute fucking lunatic.

- trump has encouraged violence against the FBI/DOJ and attacks have taken place.

It's been a tornado of malevolence and venality unlike anything we've seen in American history.

- Simon Rosenberg

And stool pigeon Lindsey Graham remarks that there will be violence in the streets of tRump is prosecuted. Typical low-life reptard response. It's ok fur January 6 to storm the capit and threaten riots if a treasonist lying tangerine turd is held accountable for his crimes, but shoot the black-lives matters protesters in the legs... wonder if the hypocrites will feel the same why for the maga maggot protesters?
... Blimey! ... Surely think the Repubs are STILL ahead in the polling.

How can THAT be? ...

#### Salty
rmg_35's Avatar
... Blimey! ... Surely think the Repubs are STILL ahead in the polling.

How can THAT be? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
There not ahead in the senate polls because they have some real radical idiots running. Even Moscow Mitch McConnell stated that he does not think the reptards will win the senate.
... "Moscow" Mitch McConnell....
Almost spilled me beer from laughing...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wow. This guy swallows propaganda with the best of them.

Throw Republicans out? From what? If you don’t like the current state of the country perhaps you should take a hard look at the party actually in power
eyecu2's Avatar
I am looking forward to the Senate staying in DEMs control, and I think that it's going to be much closer in the house than the GOP wants to agree. Anyone who supports non-abortion rights will find out that women have long memories and I'm betting that issue alone will be the toe-stubbing that the GOP didn't count on. Nobody wants a government telling them what they can/ can't do to their own body.
... Really? ... Were YOU complaining when Fauci and
governmental officials were forcing the vaxx on everybody?

WHERE were "womens rights" back-then??

... We'll need to see just how the Roe/Wade decision
impacts anything - let-alone the elections.

#### Salty
chizzy's Avatar
Any knowledgeable person knows the Supreme Court only made it a state issue not federal
eyecu2's Avatar
Women will vote against ANY Governement rep, Federal or State & their political party, that limits their right to choose what to do with their bodies. I know of a handful of them that are total Right to Lifer's, but even those think it should be between a doctor and the individual, not the government/ state or federal to say. Why it matters is that women vote at higher rates than men, & as a total, they make up a greater % of all voters since 1996; From a Pew Poll:

In 2016, 63% of women who were eligible to vote said they cast ballots in the presidential election, compared with 59% of men. That 4 percentage point gender gap is similar to the 4-point gaps in 2012 and 2008 as well as the 3-point gaps in 2004, 2000 and 1996. In 1980, when voter turnout data first became available, there was no gender gap in turnout: 64% of both men and women reported turning out to vote in that year’s election. These patterns are also similar for midterm elections.

some interesting stats:
64% of eligible Black women said they voted, compared with 54% of eligible Black men. The gender gap among White voters was far smaller (3 percentage points). Still, White men and White women were more likely to say they voted than their Black counterparts (67% of White women and 64% of White men}

Among White voters with a bachelor’s degree or higher, women (80%) were only slightly more likely than men (78%) to say they voted.

Among less educated White voters, the gender gap expands significantly: 60% of White women without a four-year degree said they voted, compared with 56% of White men without a degree. The gender gap is particularly wide among less educated Black voters. Roughly six-in-ten Black women without a college degree (61%) said they voted, compared with 50% of Black men without a degree – an 11-point gap.

The stats on hispanics and asians are about the same with a 4-11% gap in females being more likely to vote than men.

Think women's votes are not gonna make a difference. HAA
HDGristle's Avatar
Let's not on women as a mostly homogenous group. They aren't.
eyecu2's Avatar
... Really? ... Were YOU complaining when Fauci and
governmental officials were forcing the vaxx on everybody?

WHERE were "womens rights" back-then??

... We'll need to see just how the Roe/Wade decision
impacts anything - let-alone the elections.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I would rather I LIVE myself first, rather than a baby that is being carried by my wife/ ladyfriend etc. I didn't complain that there were people saving MY life. I was glad to take the vaccine and would do so again. Hardly the same characterization; But nobody forced anyone to take a vaccine, although it was recommended. I know a few women who decided not to take it, and for any reason they wanted to, or if they did decide.

I don't think a pandemic is apples to apples. Although both might feel like an emergency, one affects only the fairer sex. But yeah, lets ban the choice on that one, and let the other one be whatever you like, cause - you know, dicks n stuff.
berryberry's Avatar
But nobody forced anyone to take a vaccine, although it was recommended. Originally Posted by eyecu2
That is utter bullshit. People across the country (military, airline employees, police, nurses, the list goes on and on) were forced to take the vaccine or lose their jobs.

Why do you lie ?
You might want to expand that list if it goes on. It's looking like a lot of people who are required to get their shots anyways.
eyecu2's Avatar
That is utter bullshit. People across the country (military, airline employees, police, nurses, the list goes on and on) were forced to take the vaccine or lose their jobs.

Why do you lie ? Originally Posted by berryberry
yes- I apologize - I will agree these folks did have to take the vax. My bad on having omitted those who had to take the vaccine. I meant as individuals vs. groups or specific trades.