How Is Southern IL These Days?

Hey all! So, my place is being sold in the next few months. I have the option to stay here and find affordable housing which has been a bit impossible so far.

My other option is to head about 2 hours outside of St Louis into Southern IL. Small town. Affordable living. I wouldn't be able to come back to St Louis. Not for several years at least.

So, I wanted to see how everything was down that way. I am looking into several factors before making my decision, but Southern IL is definitely strongly being considered.

Feel free to DM me.
And here I am wanting to move to Missouri
I decided to stay local and found an amazing place near the airport. Secluded and quiet. Ive been a little off the radar the past month getting settled in so if Ive been a little quiet that is why. Maybe I will get back to Southern IL someday but for now I think I found a place that everything I was looking for.